Chapter 113

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*First person pov*

We made it to where Tsunade was. We had a plan where Everybody will appear except for me Keiko by throwing a smoke bomb on the ground and when the smoke disappears, boom! There they are. I appear by flying down with Keiko and attack the attacker. Or so how Ero-sennin puts it. It's a bad idea to let the enemy you are here. But whatever. We all got in position and Ero-sennin threw a smoke bomb. The smoke cleared revealing them. It was mine and Keiko's turn to be revealed. I decided to go for Kabuto and Keiko was thinking the same. We dive down at Kabuto, who was in front of everybody, with a kunai. Kabuto saw me at the last second and blocked me with the kunai in his hand but it was sloppy. He jumped away from me and I jump away so I can get to my group. "Long time no see, Jiraiya." Pedophile says, smirking. "Yo, you haven't changed at all." Ero-sennin says. "Naruto-kun, Ciel-kun..." Kabuto greets. "Kabuto-san!?" Naruto yells surprised. "I see, so you two know who he is." Ero-sennin says. "THREE!!" Keiko yells angry. Tsunade, who was behind us, grinds her teeth and charges for Kabuto. "MOVE!!!" She shouts as she pushes Ero-sennin out of the way and bring her fist up to punch Kabuto. Ero-sennin falls to the ground. Kabuto acts fast and cuts himself, getting blood all over Tsunade. Fear washes over Tsunade's face as she stares at the blood on her. "My body has finally started to move." Kabuto says out loud. He punches Tsunade, and she is sent flying. "Tsunade-sama!" Shizune shouts as she runs over to catch Tsunade. "Hey! Hey! What the heck is going on!? Why is Kabuto fighting Tsunade!?" Naruto shouts, clearly confused why Kabuto punched Tsunade. "Naruto, look at Kabuto's headband. He is a comrade of Pedophile. He has never been a comrade of leaf." I growl as I look at Kabuto's stupid face. "You are so thick, Naruto-kun. That's why you can never compare to Sasuke-kun or Ciel-kun!" Kabuto provokes Naruto. Kabuto looks at me. "Ciel-kun is right, I'm a sound village spy." He says, adjusting his glasses. "Wh... what are you saying? You're lying Kabuto-san..." Naruto says, not believing a word. "Naruto-kun, I have concluded something from your data. Unlike Ciel-kun and Sasuke-kun, you have no talent in becoming a shinobi." Kabuto says. This angers Naruto and me. "Oi, shut your damn mouth Kabuto. Naruto has talent in becoming a shinobi, it's just hidden. Once he finds that talent, he will surpass all of us combined. Forever more than you will ever be Kabuto." I growl at Kabuto. Kabuto smirks. "It's not to lie to yourself or Naruto-kun, Ciel-kun. You know that he doesn't have talent." Kabuto provokes further. Naruto, me, and Keiko glare daggers at Kabuto. "Even if you guys make such a scary face, you guys are nothing more but an out of place genins. Naruto-kun, you were just relying on the monster inside you. Ciel-kun, you are just no match for me or Orochimaru-sama. With the three legendary ninjas in front my eyes, you guys are worthless. You two are like small bugs right now, try something, I'll kill you." Kabuto threatens. "Like we give two shits!!" I yell as me and Naruto run at Kabuto. "STOP!!" Ero-sennin yells, trying to stop us but he can't quite move his body. Naruto weaves a few hand signs and makes four shadow clones. "Kage bunshin no jutsu! I can't waste all of my chakra on too many clones!! Four clones attack at once!!" Naruto yells as he was running with his clones. Why the hell would you announce your attack!? Lightning covers my hands like a blanket, ready to use. All of Naruto's clones get on each side of Kabuto, ready to attack. Kabuto throws his blood in all of the Naruto's clones and uses the chance to defeat them all while they are blinded. They all disappear and the real Naruto gets thrown back but Shizune catches him. I charge at Kabuto, throwing punches. "Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist!!" I yell as I throw the punches. He uses his blood to try and blind me. I dodge it smoothly. Heh, I was watching- "Ah! Keiko's eyes!" I hear Keiko yell from behind my back and fall off. "Keiko!" I shout, but I feel a blow on my stomach, sending me back. Shizune catches me and spits tiny senbon at Kabuto. He didn't have time to dodge so he used his headband to block it all. I see, he wasn't aiming for you. He was aiming for Keiko and when you let your guard down, he strikes. Smart boy. Kabuto walks over to Keiko and picks her up by the throat. "Gack.... Daddy..." Keiko chokes out. Anger overwhelms me. "LET HER GO!!!" I shout at Kabuto as I run at him. He punts Keiko like a football. I run and catch her, sliding a bit. "Damnit.." I curse. Keiko was knocked out, she's just a child. I jump backwards to my group. I set Keiko gently on the ground and I get up. "You bastard...... you'll regret the day you messed with me... My family!!! Everyone!! Mess with them, I'll kill you!!" I shout, giving him a death glare. Kabuto pulls out some kind of food pill and eats it. Probably to stop the blood. "You're bleeding much." Pedopile observes. "Orochimaru-sama, please take off your left bandage." Kabuto asks. I get angered that they are ignoring me. "DON'T IGNORE ME!!" I yell as I try to charge at them, but Ero-sennin holds me back. "YOU'RE LUCKY HE'S HOLDING ME BACK COWARDS!!" I keep shouting. "Hey! That's enough!!" Ero-sennin says, trying to calm me down. "I WON'T CALM DOWN UNTIL THERE IS BLOOD! THEIR BLOOD!! THEY'VE HARMED KEIKO.... NARUTO... EVERYBODY OF KONOHA...... MY FAMILY!! I'LL KILL THEM!!" I keep yelling. "Calm down Ciel!!" Ero-sennin yells, bonking me on the head to shut me up, which did. I rub my head in pain. "Shizune, take care of the guy with glasses. I'll take care of Orochimaru. But before that, I would like if Tsunade did something about my body." Ero-sennin asks Shizune. "This effect will last about few more hours. I myself can't do anything about it." Shizune explains to Ero-sennin. "I can probably do something about it." I say, calmed down. "Well? Do it!" Ero-sennin says. "Raise!!" I shout as a green glow covers my hand as I point at Ero-sennin's body. Ero-sennin's body glows green as well. After the glow disappears,Ero-sennin tries moving his body but fails. "Huh? It didn't work!" Ero-sennin shouts. "Hm, I guess it only works for jutsus. This jutsu is used to nullify any jutsu effects on the caster or target. It never said anything about drugs." I state. "Why didn't you say that before idiot!?" Ero-sennin yells. "Well, I'm sooooo sorry for getting your hopes up!!" I sarcastically say. "Hmph, well, I guess there's nothing we can do. We have to do it like this. Tsunade, heal yourself with your healing jutsu." Ero-sennin says. "What about us!?" Naruto asks. "You guys protect Tsunade, her pig, and Keiko." Ero-sennin tells us. "What!? I wanna fight too! Can I-" "NO!! Like the kid in the glasses said, they're on a entirely different level. The enemy is like me, one of the legendary three ninjas, plus he killed the third Hokage. An eye for an eye, I can take him! Also the kid in the glasses has the same power of Kakashi." Ero-sennin shuts Naruto up. "Then!" Naruto shouts as he makes a shadow clone sign. "Hey wait!! It's useless to use kage bunshin. With those two as your enemy you'll only be wasting chakra." Ero-sennin stops Naruto. "Crap..." Naruto curses. I rush over to Keiko, thinking this is my chance to use wind healing magic on Keiko. I start healing her and her eyes flutter open. "Daddy? What happened?" She asks, holding her head as she sits up. "You were knocked out. You didn't miss much, but we are sitting on the sidelines for now." I tell her. Kabuto grabs Pedophile's arm, did some weird thing and boom, two giant snake. Ero-sennin bites his thumb and makes some signs. He slams his hand on the ground, and appears Gamakichi. "'Sup." He greets. I anime fall and Naruto started yelling shit. "You're stupidity still hasn't been cured Jiraiya. Then I will attack first!!"  

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