*First person pov*
"Ciel-kun! Ciel-Kun!" I hear a feminine voice say. I stir awake to see Pinky. "Wh... wha... It's Lee's turn already?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah, you said I wake you up when it's Lee's turn, right? It's Lee's turn and... he is fighting the sand guy." Pinky says, worried. "Okay, Okay. I'm up." I say. I feel Keiko stir in my lap. "Da... Daddy?" Keiko asks. I hum. "Who is battling now?" Keiko asks. "It is Lee vs Gaara." I answer. She stares at me with her cute icy blue eyes. She spreads her wings and flies, though a little clumsy since she is so tired. She lands on my head. I chuckle and I stand up. "What matches did I miss?" I ask Pinky. She looks down, a sad look on her face. "It was Neji vs Hinata..." Pinky says. My eyes narrowed and I pick Keiko off my head. "Daddy?" Keiko asks. I hand her to Pinky. "Pinky, you don't need to say anymore. I'll be back Keiko. I speed walk towards Neji and throw a punch at him. Neji already knew and blocked my attack. "What the hell did you do to Hinata? Also, I am not confronting you because she is from the main house, I am confronting you as a friend of Hinata." I say to Neji. He glares at me. "It's her fault that she didn't forfeit. She was going to lose either way. Losers stay losers, that is their destiny. She even tried to change herself, which would never happen." Neji says to me. My left eyebrow twitches. "Have you not learned from the last time we fought!? Do I need to whoop your ass again? You haven't change at all, you whiny brat!" I yell as I threw another punch but a Guy and Kakashi stopped me, to keep me from starting a fight. "Ciel, calm yourself! This not the time or place to be fighting!" Guy says. I turn to him. "Aren't you supposed to be his teacher? He is a child that doesn't know any better, a teacher's job is to teach that child! And you haven't done jack shit! I wouldn't be surprised if he went rogue because of your lazy ass! You should quit being a teacher!" I yell at Guy. He flinches and looks down. Lee started yelling at me that Guy is a good teacher but I didn't have any cares to give him. "Hey Neji, do you know the meaning of training? I personally don't believe that you go outside and train and don't know what training even is. Training is do that you can change yourself to be stronger than you once were. If people can do that, then they change themselves, personality wise and shit. So your logic of people not being able to change themselves is bullshit. Think before you say dork." I say as I take my leave. Lee also takes his leave to the arena where Gaara was. I pick up Keiko from Pinky and watch the battle go down. Gaara and Lee face off. "To be able to face you this early, I couldn't be happier." Lee says. Gaara just stood there, not amused. I notice kitty to my left. "I don't know what kind of attacks the bowl head does, but there is no way he can beat Gaara." Kitty says, smug. Idiot, he is strong. But then again, Lee is going to fail this. The least I can do is protect Lee from Gaara, I don't want his dream to be crushed temporarily. Gaara chucks his gourd cap at Lee, and he catches it at the last second. "There's no need to bes so antsy." Lee says and Gaara gives him a death stare. "Now, the 10th match, please begin!" Hayate announces. Lee charges at Gaara, ready to kick him. "Leaf spinning wind!" Lee yells as he kicks him, but gets blocked by sand. The sand hovers above Lee, to capture in the sand coffin. But luckily, Lee dodges it. The sand tries catching Lee again but he keeps escaping at an incredible speed, and charges for Gaara. He tries kicking and punching Gaara but he puts up a sand wall. Damn, absolute defense is scary! "GO LEE! YOU GOT THIS!" I cheer. For a second a flash of anger spreads across Gaara's face. Lee tries punching Gaara again but again, he uses a sand wall. Lee jumps back and Gaara used his sand to make a bunch of hands to try and catch Lee. Lee dodges it all and lands on the hand statue making a hand seal ram in the arena. "LEE! TAKE THEM OFF!" I hear Guy yell. Lee makes a salute and looks unsure. "But Guy-sensei! That's.... only for the time when I must protect many people precious, isn't it!?" Lee yells. Guy gives him his signature thumbs up and smile. "It's alright! I'll allow it!" Guy yells. Lee was speechless for a second and gives him a kinda strained laugh. He takes off his shin things, I don't know what they are called to this day, and takes off the weights. He drops them. I look at everyone who wasn't thinking much about the weights. I smirk. Just wait until it hits the ground. It hits the ground, making a huge crater and dust flying everywhere. "Daddy, Lee-nii is so awesome! Keiko wants to be like him! But Keiko doesn't want to have that weird outfit or haircut..." Keiko trails off. I chuckle and pat her head. I do that a lot. "I can train you to be like that, do you want me to train you once we get out of here?" I ask her. She smiles brightly and flies around in circles excitedly. "Keiko likes that idea! Keiko likes that!" Keiko says happily. I chuckle and watch the fight. Lee disappears off of the fingers, and reappears behind Gaara. He's fast! Holy shit! He throw a punch at Gaara, and it nearly hits him. It was like a centimeter away. Lee throws more punches and kicks, I can't even follow. "Lee-nii is awesome! Keiko really wants to train now!" Keiko says, her eyes sparkling. I grab her out of the air and hold her, because she was getting WAY to excited. "Daddy, what's wrong?" Keiko asks, wondering why I suddenly grabbed her. "I just want to hold you, is that a crime?" I ask her. She shakes her head and snuggles into me. "Keiko doesn't mind!" Keiko shouts. I laugh and watch the fight. Lee appears behind Gaara and flips and hovers over him. He lands a kick on Gaara. I freeze. Uh-oh, he is going to snap. I see a cut in Gaara's skin, but I know it was just sand armor. "Now, we're just getting started!" Lee yells. Guy pumps a fist in the air. "Lee! Explode!" Guy yells. "YES!!" Lee yells and disappears much faster. I see his silhouette behind Gaara and then appears in front of Gaara. "Over here!" Lee taunts. He punches Gaara in the face and he sends flying, but the sand protects him from hitting the ground. Gaara stands up slowly, and his face looked crazed. It didn't help that the sand armor was falling too. I feel Keiko hide in my arms. "Gaara-nii looks scary, Keiko can't help but feel afraid. Keiko doesn't want to be afraid of Gaara-nii." Keiko says. I put a hand on her head. "Don't worry, he will be back to normal very soon. I'll tell you when Gaara is not being scary, 'kay?" I say. I hear and feel a muffled 'yes' and I turn back to the fight. Gaara repairs his sand armor. "Is that all?" Gaara asks. Lee starts unraveling his bandages, and charges at Gaara. "Hurry up and come." Gaara says, tauntingly. Lee kicks Gaara up like he did to Duckbutt. "As you wish! It's not over!" Lee yells as he kicks Gaara as he goes up. He ties Gaara up with his bandages and twirls him and hits the ground. "Initial Lotus!!" Lee yells as Gaara hits the ground. It made a large crater. Gaara wasn't moving. Alright, I have to stop Gaara from injuring Lee beyond repair. But what do I do with Keiko? I can't give her to Pinky because she probably won't cover Keiko's eyes when Gaara got past me and injures Lee, and I can't bring Keiko with me because it will risk Keiko into getting injured. Do I have to watch this go down? Goddammit! Gaara's sand clone disappears and the real Gaara appears, and attacks Lee. I wait until Lee is almost finished. Wait! Fairy Sphere! It is an absolute defense! If I go down there with Keiko, she won't get hurt! I'll try! I see Lee finishing up with Gaara.I jump from the balcony and bolted for Lee, while shoving Keiko down my shirt so she won't see in case if I don't make it and I do hand signs. Please make it! "Fairy Sphere!!" I yell as a ball of light wraps around Lee, but I didn't make it. His arm and leg was crushed but at least I protected him from the other attacks. Guy also jumped in and dispelled the sand. Gaara looked shocked at us, and clutched his head in pain, from something. "Why... Did you save... Him?" Gaara asks, while clutching his head. "He is my beloved comrade." Guy replied. I undid the Fairy Sphere. "And he is my friend. I don't like my friends getting hurt, and I would not hesitate to kill anyone because of that." I also reply. I fell Keiko squirm in my shirt. "Daddy, what happened? What's going on?" Keiko asks, trying to poke her little head from my shirt. I quickly shove her back in. "Nothing happened, now stay in there until I say you can come out." I say. A muffled 'yes' was her reply. I didn't even notice Gaara was staring at me. He turns away, his gourd coming back together. "That's enough..." Gaara says while walking away. "Winner, Gaara!" Hayate announces. I hear movement behind me and I turn around. Lee was standing up. I run over to him as well as Guy. "Lee! That's enough! You've done more than enough!" I say, putting a hand on his shoulder. Guy puts his hand on his other shoulder. "Lee, enough, it's over. You shouldn't be standing with that body." Guy also adds. Then it hits us. He is still unconscious. Guy starts crying, and hugs him. "Lee...... You are the most respectable ninja I have ever met. And a idiot also." I say. Hayate also comes over and checks on him. Guy lays him down on the ground. Naruto also comes down and runs to Lee. "MEDICAL TEAM, PLEASE COME QUICKLY!!" Hayate yells. The medical team comes over. One of them asks for Guy, to talk to him. I already knew what was happening. I clench my fists. "Daddy, what's going on?" I hear Keiko ask. "You don't need to know sweetie." I reply to her, shutting her up. Naruto starts yelling but Kakashi appears and shuts him by talking to him. I didn't pay any attention because I was welling up in anger. Not at Gaara, but myself. Again, every single fucking time. I could have done something, I could have...... DAMMIT!! Kakashi noticed my distress and puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Ciel, it's not your fault." Kakashi says. I clench my hands. "How is it not my fault? You already knew I knew this was going to happen! And yet I couldn't stop it... If only..." I trail off. "Ciel, that's enough. You can't stop everything that's going to happen." Kakashi says. He takes his hand off my shoulder and walks over to talk to Guy. I start up the steps slowly. "Daddy, can I come out now?" Keiko asks. I pull her out of my shirt. "Daddy, what was going on? Keiko didn't understand, she heard people talking but about what?" Keiko asks. I smile weakly at her. "You don't need to know until you're older." I say to her. She flys up and sits on my head. I wait at the steps for Guy. When Guy came up, I stopped him. "Hey, I wanted to apologize from earlier. You are not a bad teacher and I was just blowing off some steam on you. Do not take what I said at heart after..... What happened to Lee." I apologized. Guy smiled weakly at me. "You're a great kid, Ciel. I'm glad that I met you." Guy said as he left, walking very slowly. I watched sadly as he left. "Daddy, after this last battle, Daddy's going to train Keiko, right?" Keiko asks. "Yeah. Let's go back to our spot, 'Kay?" I ask her. She replies with a 'yes' and we head to our spot to watch the next battle.
(Extra long chapter to make up the last)

Enter: The 1# Jutsu Weaver! (Book 1) [Naruto Fairy Tail Crossover Fanfic]
FanfictionCassie Alessandra was just an average everyday high school student. WAS. Until she was supposedly killed by her school bully and thrown into a different world than her own. What world you may ask? The Naruto world, where 13-year olds play with knive...