*First person pov*
"Come on Ero-sennin!!! Let's get started with training!!" Naruto yells. "Don't get too fired up. We still need to gather information about Tsunade. There is no point in training before we do so." Ero-sennin says. "Gather information?" Keiko asks. "This is the town." Ero-sennin suddenly says and bam!! There was a town. Wtf!? We walk into the town and it seems like there was some kind of festival going on. "Uwaa!! Awesome!! This is the first time I seen something like this!!!" Naruto yells. "Keiko too!" Keiko yells excitedly. They both look around like kids at the fair. Oh wait, they are. "You guys have a good time doing whatever you want! This will be a break before the training starts. Until the festival is over... we'll stay here for now!! And training as well of course." Ero-sennin announces. "All right!!" Me, Naruto, and Keiko yell at the same time. We start rummaging through our rucksacks for our wallet. Naruto pulls out his frog wallet, and it was bloated. Same with my wallet, I made mine. It was a plue wallet and it was so cute. My wallet looked like an morbidly obese plue it was so cute! "Oh, that sure is some lump of money you guys have there! Like an official government!!" Ero-sennin says, eying our money. "Yeah! I have been saving up!! It's a duty to have savings on a raining day heehehee!" Naruto giggles. I grab about 40 bucks from my wallet and put back in my rucksack. "Later!!" Naruto says, running off. "HOLD ON!!" Ero-sennin yells, stopping Naruto. "I'll keep your savings for you!! This is all you can spend." Ero-sennin says, taking Naruto's money and giving him about 30 bucks. "EH!?!" Naruto yells. "You too Ciel!!" Ero-sennin tells me, holding out his hand for me to put my wallet in his hand. "Hmph. Unlike Naruto, I got some responsibility. I'm a parent, remember?" I tell Ero-sennin. "Yeah, but when you use up your allowances you are going for your wallet for more! Hand it over, I'll keep it safe." Ero-sennin says. "No." I tell him. He sighs but decided Naruto's wallet was enough. "There are three sins that a shinobi is forbidden to do! You should have know this!" Ero-sennin tells us. "What are the three sins?" Keiko asks. "What!? There is no way you guys don't know!! The three sins are things shinobi must avoid. These are three things to stay away from!! The three vices I will point out is are alcohol, women, and money." Ero-sennin says. "What? First of all, we are not old enough to drink. Second of all, we aren't interested in women. Third of all, we had money to begin with dumbo." I tell him. Grr... what the hell did he mean by women!? I'm not like that!! "You don't have to worry about us using our savings that way." Naruto says. "YOU BRAINLESS IDIOTS!! Don't say something that stupid about money. You'll waste it all of it right away!! The power of money is a dangerous thing!! This is why we are looking for 'her'! It already messed up her life!!" Ero-sennin yells. "But doesn't Ero-sennin have the hots for women?" Naruto asks. "Don't change the subject!! I'll take your guys luggage. Here's my bag in case you get lost and the toads can track you guys if needed. You need to stick together because there is only one of my bag." Ero-sennin. I scoff. "I don't need your stupid bag. Keiko will be with me and if I do get lost, which will never happen, Keiko can just fly me up and I can search for you that way." I say. Keiko nods in agreement. "Well, then, I'm going to collect more information on Tsunade. Have fun kids!!" Ero-sennin says. Me, Naruto, and Keiko leave. "Where do you guys want to go?" I ask them. "Let's go goldfish scooping!" Naruto exclaims. "Okay, goldfish scooping it is." I say. I get 10 dollars and hand it to Keiko. "Here, this is your allowance." I tell Keiko. She pouts. "Why does Keiko get less money than Daddy?" Keiko asks. "Because, you are younger and I'm older. Older people have more needs than younger people." I tell Keiko. She doesn't argue anymore and we made it to the goldfish scooping booth. "Hey Naruto, you wanna bet?" I ask him. "Tell me the bet." Naruto asks. "If I catch more goldfish than you treat me to takoyaki. If you win, I treat you to takoyaki." I tell Naruto. He gets all cocky. "Bring it, but you won't be able to get more goldfish than me though!" Naruto exclaims. We paid the person behind the booth and he gives us scoops. Keiko doesn't get a scoop because no pets allowed. I laughed when I heard this and Keiko was boiling in anger. "On your marks, get set, GO!!" I yell as me and Naruto start scooping fish. Naruto didn't even last, he only got one fish and his scoop ripped. I got 5 in my bowl, winning the bet. He was crying when he paid for our takoyaki. I laugh as I eat some takoyaki. We played a bunch of games, betting each and everyone. We saw a few masks and decided to try them on. Keiko puts on the panda and I put on the monkey mask. Naruto puts on a weird mask and he trips and falls face first, spilling all of Ero-sennin's stuff. Naruto groans and I pick up the Ero-sennin's bank book. "Woah, that is a lot of zeros! He can buy whatever he wants!! That cheap bastard." I say out loud, catching Naruto's attention. He takes the bank book from my hands and flips through. "You're right!" Naruto yells. We walk to a squid booth and buy some squids. "Naruto, are you sure you want to give that to Ero-sennin?" I ask him, mouthful of squid. We were all out of money. Keiko was on top of my head eating an adult sized squid. How is she going to eat that? It's bigger than her whole head, no, body!! "Yeah, he is going to train us!" Naruto says. Oh, I feel so sorry for Naruto when he realizes his savings were spent. "KYAHAHAHAHA!" I hear Ero-sennin's voice come out some pub or something. We enter and Ero-sennin had 2 girls on his lap. "KYAHAHAHA! What nice young ladies you girls are!" Ero-sennin laughs. Naruto spots his wallet on the table and it's deflated. "WHAT'S THE POINT OF TELLING US ABOUT THE THREE SINS OF A SHINOBI!! YOU'RE THE ONE BREAKING THEM!!" Naruto yells, hitting Ero-sennin. Me and Keiko laugh at the scene Naruto was making. "N... Naruto calm down!! This is an misunderstanding!!! L... Listen!!" Ero-sennin stutters, drunk as fuck. Naruto's grip on his squid slips and hits some guy in the suit. "Look what you did!! What are you going to do about this, you stupid brat!!" Some bodyguard yells. "You put a stain on my suit! This suit is a designer suit!! It cost me 100,000 dollars!!" They guy yells. "100,00 dollars!?" Naruto yells, color draining from his face. "Hm, looks cheap to me. Get it from a corner store?" I ask the guy. "What did you say brat!? You better not mess with us for your sake!! Akoki is an former chunin from the village of stone. He's a legendary yami-nin and someone you should be afraid of! An incredibly skilled ninja!" The bodyguard yells. "Legendary you say?" Ero-sennin asks. "I'll show you what pain really is!!" The guy yells charging at us. "Ciel, Naruto. Pay close attention, as I'll be showing the jutsu that you guys are going to learn. Take a good look." Ero-sennin says, a ball chakra forming in his hand. He shoves the ball of chakra in the guy's stomach and the guy was sent flying. Ero-sennin pick pockets the guy's wallet. His body twirls in the air before hitting some water balloon booth. A water balloon bounces in Ero-sennin's hand. He walks over to the owner of the cart, with the wallet he pickpocketed. "Here is the victory fee I'll be taking. Sorry about this... your cart is broken to bits." Ero-sennin says. "Ju.... Just what did you do...?" The guy says, a bit of blood running down his mouth. "I just saved you. You guys are weak." Ero-sennin says to the guy. "Old man! Here's the payment for the damages and all of your balloons." Ero-sennin says, handing the guy the money. "I really don't mind..." The owner says. "Naruto, Ciel! Time for training!" Ero-sennin calls for us. "Yeah!" Me and Naruto yell at the same time. We walk to some forest and Ero-sennin sets the water balloons he bought down on the ground. "I can really feel the training tension!!" Naruto yells. Ero-sennin tosses us a ball. He sets 130 pound weight on the ground for Keiko to start training. "Huh? What's up with this?" Naruto asks, squeezing his balloon. "Did you guys pay attention to the jutsu I did?" Ero-sennin asks. We both nod. "What did you see?" Ero-sennin asks. "Hm... they were spinning wildly in the air." We both say at the same time. Ero-sennin nods and grabs a balloon himself. "From a normal point of view, it would seem that way. That's right... they spun alright!" He says and his balloon pops. Ero-sennin started talking about chakra and stuff so I checked up on Keiko. She was struggling to pick the weight up, it must have been too heavy but that's the only weight we have. "Alright, let's train til nighttime!!" I hear Ero-sennin yell. "YEAH!!" Me and Naruto yell.

Enter: The 1# Jutsu Weaver! (Book 1) [Naruto Fairy Tail Crossover Fanfic]
FanfictionCassie Alessandra was just an average everyday high school student. WAS. Until she was supposedly killed by her school bully and thrown into a different world than her own. What world you may ask? The Naruto world, where 13-year olds play with knive...