Chapter 25

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*First person pov*

We get to the docks, and there is a boat waiting for us. Everybody got in the boat and was waiting for me. I was about to get in the boat, but stopped. Wait, if I am a dragon slayer, does that mean that I will get motion sickness if I get in that boat? I am not going to take that risk and luckily I prepared for it. "Alright, I'll see ya on the otherside!" I yell to them. Everybody looked at me confused. "What do you mean you'll see us?" Pinky asks. I just smile at her while getting something out of my rucksack. "I'm swimming!" I say as I dramatically pull out a swimsuit, of course, swimming trunks and a swimming t-shirt. Everybody yells except the Duckbutt at the same time, including the rower. "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" I flinch at the tone of voice. Kakashi drags me into the boat. "Just get in." He says. I fell to my knees, and feel a wave of nausea. Oh my god I am going to puke. I puke in the ocean. Kakashi, who was the nearest person to me, starts rubbing my back in soothing circles. "Oi, get ahold of yourself, Ciel! Are you okay?" I get up from my position. "I learned not too long ago that I get extreme motion sickness." I say, almost puking in the process. "Well, hold out till we get to the other side." Kakashi says. Everybody started talking about Gato, but I didn't really pay attention to it because I was focusing on not puking. God, should of just swam. Come to think of it, isn't that one guy with the cow prints going to show up? What was his name, Moomoochi Zabuza, demon cow of the mist? Yeah, that sounds about right. I god I'm going to be sick. I started puking again. I over hear Tazuna guilt tripping my team. "Yeah yeah, save us the guilt trip, were already going to help ya." I butt in. He glares at me. "You are the rudest boy I have ever met." He says. "And you're the rudest old man I've ever met. That makes us even." I reply. He starts grumbling. "Fucking brat...." He says under his breath, quiet enough so a normal human can't here. Since I was a dragon slayer, I heard it. "Still have lunch left in me, I'm willing to puke it up on ya." I threaten. He shakes his head frantically. We get to town of some sort and dock. My motion sickness was so severe, that someone had to carry me off. I didn't see who, though. "This is it for me. Goodbye and good luck." The rower said. Tazuna thanked him and he went off. "Ok! Get me home safely." Tazuna said. "No promises~!" I say in a strained sing song voice, because I was still a little bit nauseous.

Time skip~

The last few hours of walking was uneventful. God, when will the cow come? I'm super bored. Naruto throws a kunai into the forest. About time. "Over there!" Naruto yelled. Pinky and Tazuna freaks out and Kakashi tenses up. After a long pause, Naruto turns to us. "It was just a mouse." He says trying to look cool. "Mouse? Yeah right, everyone can see your stupid act. You're so obvious it's embarrassing!" Pinky yelled, clearly angry that Naruto scared her. "Naruto, kunai knives are dangerous." Kakashi says. Way to start the obvious.... Naruto throws another knife, nearly hitting the rabbit, and Pinky started scolding him. Here he comes! A gigantic sword came flying through the air. "Get down!" Me and Kakashi yells. Everyone ducks and the sword implants itself in a tree. I see a figure land on the sword. And the first thing I notice is what Zabuza was wearing. Cow prints? I guess he really is a cow. I get out a kunai, ready to fight.  

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