Chapter 10

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*First person pov*

I follow Guy to a private part of the training ground. Guy was making sure that Tenten and Lee didn't follow. "Ciel, Where did you learn that jutsu." Guy says in a very serious voice, that it almost scared me. "Learned the jutsu from this book that I found in the rucksack I had with me when I met you. It probably might have been a belonging of mine before I got amnesia. It might explain that I did this jutsu well because this is the first time I attempted to do this jutsu." lie and pull out the book. "Can you please give that to me?" I give Guy the book. He flips through the book. "God slayer magic.... Dragon slayer Magic.... Grand chariot. Ciel, why does this all say magic instead of jutsu?" Guy asks. I shrug "Ya know, you are asking a person who has amnesia." I state bluntly. Guy sighs and hands me back the book. "Next time Ciel, try out these jutsus before you use for a sparr or try it on human being." I nod. "Yes Guy. I'm sorry, Guy, I injured you students, not knowing how powerful the jutsu was. I'll never do it again." I look down in shame. I never meant to hurt Neji bad. I have no excuse for this. I knew how powerful the magic is and I still used it. "It's okay, Ciel. I get that you were in the heat of the moment. Just don't do it again." We walked back to team 9, and Lee ran up to me. "OHHH NOW I AM FIRED UP! CIEL, WE SHOULD SPAR!" I turned him down and I look in the direction where Neji was and it look like he woke up. "Hey Neji are you okay?" I hear Tenten asking. "I'm FINE." Neji says irritably and looks in my direction. We have a stare down until Neji broke it. "I'm going home." he growled out. "Neji..." Tenten calls. Lee runs over to Neji. "Come on Neji, let's sparr today. I am definitely going to beat you today." Lee says, oblivious that Neji is already injured. Neji ignores Lee and keeps walking. "Guess it can't be helped, let's end it here guys." Guy says. Lee and Tenten nod and said their goodbyes and left. I say goodbye too and left the training grounds. I couldn't take my mind of Neji. Is he going to be okay? I should apologize to him when I get the chance to. I walk into my apartment and laid down on my bed, still worrying about Neji. Sure, I might hate him doesn't mean I want to hurt him. But then again, he got real cocky, he got what was coming for, but it seems like he wasn't ready. Should I have done a different spell? I don't know anymore. I turn on my side and without realizing it, I fell into a deep slumber. I wake up to the sound of birds. "Fucking birds, I hate them." I get washed up and get dressed. I checked the clock. Fuck, I'm late for the pictures! I grab a piece of bread and ran out schoolgirl style. I get all giddy. I have always wanted to do this, but I never been able to. I arrive at the place where they take the pictures and I see the photographer tapping his foot impatiently. "You're late." He said, glaring at me. "Ah, sorry, I didn't set my clock." I apologize. He deepens his glare. "Just get in place so I can take the picture and go home." I get in place and take the picture. I walk to Grandpa's office, still thinking about Neji's injuries. I don't believe I apologize to Neji. I should somehow find his home and apologize to Neji. I think as I walk into the room. I see Naruto punching Konohamaru and Ebisu just looked horrified. Grandpa just looked like he just wanted to die. I try to look surprised. "Naruto, what are you doing here? Didn't you fail?" Naruto looks in my direction and smiles. "I'm a ninja now believe it! You don't have to worry anymore!" I give him a smile. "That's great! I hope we get to be on the same team!" I say, smiling. Naruto grins. "So, will you be able to hang out today?" I shake my head. "No, I won't be able to. I have to run some errands." Not entirely true, I have to apologize to Neji and train, and also this you and Konohamaru have to have some bonding time, for yours and mine. "Aww, that's too bad. Well, I gotta go. To do some ninja stuff ya know." He runs out and Konohamaru following I sweat drop. We didn't get any missions yet... I hear Gramps sigh behind me. "What was that? The 20th sneak attack today? Well whatever, do you have your picture?" I nod. "Yeah, here." I hand him the picture and he nods approvingly. "Very nice, Cassie." I wince at my name. "Can you not use my real name? I have really adapted to my new name and when I hear my real name, it gets really cringy." I say. Gramps shakes his head. "No, it's proper to call you by your real name." I sigh. "Alright, Gramps. I guess I should be heading out." I start to walk out. But Gramps called out to me. "Cassie, I am grateful that you befriended Naruto. These villagers treat him like trash but he really is a hero. I am very grateful." He smiles and wrinkles show. I nod and left.

Time skip~

I have been asking the locals where the Hyuuga household. I am currently walking to the Hyuuga household. Worry etched my mind. What if Neji doesn't accept my apology? What if Neji doesn't even want to hear what I have to say and kicks me out? ARRGH! WHAT DO I DO?! I didn't even realize that I arrived. I knocked on the door of the Hyuuga household. I hear a faint 'I'll get it!' and footsteps. I see the door open and revealing Hanabi. "Hello, who are you?" I smile at her and she blushes. "Hi, I am a friend of Hinata's and I guess you can say the same for Neji. Is he here?" she shakes her head. "No, Neji-nii did not come home yesterday. I kinda worried." I look at her shocked. "He did not come home yesterday!? He was injured!" Hanabi's eyes widened. "N-Neji-nii is injured!?" I start running. "YEAH I INJURED HIM PRETTY BAD! I HAVE TO GO FIND HIM!" I start to run to the first possible place.

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