First person pov*
Naruto looked shocked and looked at me. "Names of my friends are carved here as well. I'll give you one more chance." He says as he cuts me down. "But don't feed Naruto and Ciel any or you will fail." I look at him angrily. "Why me!?" I yell. "You broke the rules by eating breakfast. Also you came at later time. I am the rule here, got it?" I glare. "But so did you! And when you added the 'Or you'll puke' at the end it makes it a suggestion!" He ignores me and teleports away. I sigh and sat down on the ground. Everyone eats except for me and Naruto. Naruto's stomach growls. "I'm okay even if I don't eat! I'm okay! I am..." His stomach growls. "...okay." Duckbutt sees Naruto suffering and holds his bento out to Naruto. "Here." Naruto looks at Duckbutt. "Hey, Sasuke-kun! Sensei just said that..." she trails off, looking around. "Don't worry. He's not around. We four are going to get the bells together. It's only going to be trouble if Naruto and Ciel are hungry. You feed Ciel." Duckbutt says. "She looks at her food and then holds it out to me blushing. "H-Here!" I wave her off. "I ate breakfast. I am good to skip a meal. Give it to Naruto." She nods and walks over to Naruto. "What about you?" she asks, looking back. "I learned a jutsu that allows me to eat elements and transform it to chakra or something along the lines of that, I'll be fine." I say. She nodded, unsure. "Thank you, Sakura-chan." she looks around, cautious of Kakashi. "You don't need to thank me, hurry up and eat!" She says. Naruto moves around in his ropes. "I am on a diet... I mean, I eat less than Sasuke-kun." She says. Naruto moves around in his ropes more. "I can't my arms are bound." She got irritated face on. "Hurry before he comes back." Duckbutt says and Pinky grabs some rice with her chopsticks and fed some to Naruto. Just then, Kakashi came back. "YOU!" Kakashi yells with a terrifying face on. Naruto and Pinky screams, and Duckbutt go into battle stance, and I just sat there, with no emotion on my face. "You broke the rule. Are you ready for your punishment?" he says as he performs hand seals. Clouds formed in the sky as well as lighting. "Any last words?" He said, looking terrifying. Then I kinda tuned out when they had their team speech or whatever. "You four are one, is that your excuse?" He said looking at all of us. "Yeah, that's our excuse." I say. "You pass!" Everybody looked shocked except for me, of course. "You pass." Kakashi says again, to get my team's brain gears turning. "We passed? Why?" She asks. The sky clears up. "You four are the first. The others are just blockheads and listened to what I say. 'In the ninja world, people who break rules are scum, but people who abandoned their comrades are worse than scum!'" I smile. "Alright! That ends our training, all of you pass! Team 7 will start their first mission tomorrow!" He announces while giving us a thumbs up. Naruto tears up. "Ya know, he's kinda cool." He says. I cut him down and he skips off. "I'm a ninja, I'm a ninja!" He chants. I chuckle. "Good for you, Naruto!" He nods and runs off to talk to Pinky. I chuckle and walk away.

Enter: The 1# Jutsu Weaver! (Book 1) [Naruto Fairy Tail Crossover Fanfic]
FanfictionCassie Alessandra was just an average everyday high school student. WAS. Until she was supposedly killed by her school bully and thrown into a different world than her own. What world you may ask? The Naruto world, where 13-year olds play with knive...