*First person pov*
"Daddy!" Keiko yells as she leaps into my arms. I found Leo and Keiko at an ice cream shop eating, well, ice cream. "How did you get the money to buy this?" I ask Leo. "I flirted with an nurse to get the money. Not a big deal." Leo explains. "Well, aren't you the master flirter." I say as I sit down. "Now, tell me what happened." Leo asks. "I want to talk about this away from Keiko." I explain to him. "Keiko, when you finish your ice cream come outside and find us, we are just going to be outside of the store, okay?" I ask her. She nods, a little bit of ice cream at the corner of her mouth and resumes eating. We walk outside and I explain to Leo on what happened. "Well, that must have been eventful. But are you sure on being friends with Gaara? He sounds like a bad person." I shake my head. "No, trust me, he is not a bad person. He may look like a dangerous Lion, but he really is just a cub. Don't worry too much Leo. Now, since you baby sitted Keiko you can do whatever you want the rest of the day." I say to him. He nods excitedly and goes to flirt with some women. Keiko comes out of the shop, ice cream still at the corner of her mouth. "Alright! Keiko is ready to go!" She shouts, fist up in the air. I chuckle and I wipe her mouth. We head to our apartment since it was pretty late. We enter our apartment and what do I find? My apartment is trashed again but no Naruto. I sigh and start cleaning up. Keiko helps as well. "Mommy, where does Keiko put this ramen cup?" Keiko asks. She calls me Mommy at home and Daddy in public. "In the trash can please." I say, as I grab a broom. It took us a little while to clean up, but we managed. I made a mental note to yell at Naruto to not trash my place. "Alright, time for bed. The big day is tomorrow, are you ready?" I ask Keiko. "Yeah! Keiko thinks that Naruto-nii and Mommy will become chunin! But Never Duckbutt, Keiko thinks he sucks." Keiko says. I laugh and we get ready for bed. "Night Keiko." I say as I get into my bed with Keiko. "Night Mommy." Keiko says as I hug her as I sleep.
Time skip~
I groan as I hear birds again. Keiko was up, yelling at the birds to shut up. She even threw my slipper. I scold her and told her to go get it. I brush the crumbs off my bed. Wait. Wait a minute. Keiko and I cleaned the whole apartment last night, what the hell? I look closer at the crumbs and it turns out it was sand. What the hell? Why was Gaara in my room? More importantly, how did he get inside!? Did he watch me while slept? Creepy... well me and Keiko are not hurt nor my stuff was taken so I'm not complaining. I get dressed and make breakfast. Keiko came back with my slipper and got dressed as well. She looked so cute in the dress I got for her! It was a plain green dress and she had a little blue bow on her tail. She also had a red backpack so she can store stuff. I never checked what she stores in her backpack since it was none of my buisness but I would guess dango. I gave her her breakfast and I got mine. After we ate we got cleaned up and headed to the chunin exams. I entered the exam arena and a bunch of people were seated. I line up with everyone, standing right next to Naruto. Keiko was humming happily since she can be a part of this. "Hey, stop looking around. Face the customers. In this main tournament you guys are the stars." the judge said. I face audience and to tell the truth I got really nervous. I never seen so many people in one place before. I can tell Keiko was getting nervous as well. Duckbutt wasn't here yet, the dork. I hear Grandpa's booming voice slice through all the voices in the stadium. "THANK YOU FOR COMING TO THE HIDDEN LEAF CHUNIN EXAMS! WE WILL NOW START THE MAIN TOURNAMENT MATCHES... BETWEEN THE 9 PARTICIPANTS WHO MADE IT THROUGH THE PRELIMINARIES!! PLEASE STAY AND WATCH UNTIL THE END!!" Grandpa yells. The judge, I think his name is Gemma, showed us the new matches. It seems like Temari and Shikamaru is going to fight and I'm going to fight the victor, which is Temari. "Hey! Hey!" Naruto yells, raising his hand. "What?" Gemma asks, grumpily. "Sasuke isn't here yet, so what are you going to do?" Naruto asks. "If he doesn't appear by the time of his match, it's a default loss." Gemma answers. He starts explaining the rules and I zone out, since it was the same as the pre prelims. It was Neji's and Naruto's match that was first and we went up to the upper level. "GO NARUTO!! KICK HIS ASS!" I cheer and Keiko mimics. "NARUTO-NII!! KEIKO WANTS YOU TO WIN THIS BATTLE SO DADDY CAN FIGHT YOU!!" Keiko cheers. Naruto and Neji face off. Naruto lifts up his fist, the one he used with Hinata's blood to make an oath. "I told you before... you are going down!!" Naruto yells. Neji activated his byakugan and the judged announced that the first fight is beginning. "GO NARUTO! BEAT HIS ASS TO THE GROUND! MAKE HIM GO RUNNING TO HIS MOMMY WITH HIS TAIL BETWEEN HIS LEGS! IF YOU DON'T I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU!!" I cheer and everyone around sweatdrops. Keiko cheers alongside of me. "It will be fun to watch you fall apart when you discover reality." Neji says to Naruto, getting into fighting position. "STOP ALL THE BLABBERING! LET'S FIGHT!!" Naruto yells. They have a little stare off again. Naruto makes a shadow clones and each of them had kunais, ready to fight. "But in the end, there's only one true body." Neji says. "HEY! SPEAK IN FULL SENTENCES IDIOT!!" I yell at Neji. He glares at me and resumes to the fight. "Heh, stop acting tough." One of the Narutos said. "If you're going to come then come." Neji says arrogantly. "Hey" "Stop" "Disrespecting" "Me!" All the Naruto's say as they charge at Neji. Neji defeats them all easily, not getting a scratch. "Become Hokage eh? It's impossible with that. I can figure it out with these eyes. Talent is decided at birth, you can say that everything is decided when a person is born." Neji says. Then they started talking, why do these people never just fight? Naruto makes a bunch of cones and charge at Neji. Neji dodges all of the Narutos and go for the real one. All the clones disappear and Naruto coughs up blood. But that Naruto disappears also and I hear Kiba cheering from the crowd some how. "YES!! GO NARUTO!!" Kiba cheers, so I do as well. "KICK HIS ASS NARUTO!!" I yell and so does Keiko. "I'M COMING AT YOU WITH EVERYTHING I GOT AND ALREADY PREPARED TO DIE!!" Naruto shouts as he punch Neji as well as his other clone. But both the Naruto's were futile, because Neji did that chakra shield thing. Naruto gets pushed back and his clone disappears. He stops spinning and has a stupid smug smile. "You thought you had won?" Neji says smugly. I wanted so badly to slap the smug of his face. He got into this weird fighting position, which I recognize as the gentle fist thing. "Gentle fist style, 64 hands of Hakke." Neji announces as he punches Naruto, while yelling out numbers. "Two hands... four hands... eight hands..." and it keeps going until 64. Naruto gets knocked back, groaning. There is no way he can stand up, but Naruto being Naruto, he stands up. They start talking again, seriously, why don't they ever just fight? Neji takes off his headband, revealing his curse mark. Come to think of it, why does it look like the Nazi logo? Let's not get into that... I snap out of my thoughts when Keiko starts pulling my hair again. Why can't she just call me like a regular person instead of pull my hair. "What is it hun?" I ask Keiko. "Did... all of those things happen to Neji-nii? Is this world that cruel? Keiko doesn't know anymore..." Keiko says sadly. "Keiko, in this world people make the wrong choices, leading to this. You can't stop it, it just happens." I explain to her. "Oh..." Neji puts his headband on and attack Naruto and he gets launched back, not moving. "Examiner, it's over." Neji says to the judge. I clench my fists. "NARUTO WAKE YOUR ASS UP!! KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO NEJI!! YOU ARE GOING TO WIN THIS BATTLE AND WE ARE GOING TO FIGHT!! GET YOUR ASS UP, IF YOU DON'T I WILL WHOOP YOUR ASS WHEN I GET THE CHANCE!!" I yell at Naruto, who is still on the ground. Naruto gets up and smiles at me. "YEAH NARUTO!! BEAT HIS ASS UNTIL HE CAN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE IT!!" I cheer. "Don't run... I won't run... *cough*... I don't go back on my word. "GO NARUTO-NII!!" Keiko cheers. Neji gets angered by this and points at Naruto. "YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE BURDENED WITH A SYMBOL YOU COULD NEVER GET RID OF!!" Neji yells at Naruto. Oh, how wrong Neji is. Naruto smiles sadly. "Yeah, I can.... and? So what? Pft! Stop acting so cool... you're not the only one to suffer so much!! Hinata too... she's suffered as much as you!! A member of the main family, but not acknowledged trying her best to change herself!! She thought that as she coughed up blood while fighting you!! You're the same! The branch family is supposed to protect the main family, yet doing that to Hinata... in truth, you are trying your hardest to disobey your destiny!" Naruto says, he is so beaten up. They continue arguing about destiny and Naruto makes an hand sign, he's summoning Kurama's chakra!! Neji looked frightened, he must have saw the chakra. A bunch of chakra tails appear, circling Naruto. Naruto attack Neji with shurikens and Neji dodges. They pull out kunai and throw them at each other. They collide and Neji and Naruto attack each other but they bounce off each other. They keep attacking and they both punch at the same time, red and blue chakra clashing at each other. "GO NARUTO!! YOU GOT DIS!!" I cheer. There was an explosion and made a crater. There were two human sized holes in the ground, Neji and Naruto might have got launched back so far from the explosion that it made a hole. Neji emerges from his hole, coughing. "Heh, loser. This is reality..." Neji says, walking away, but gets punched by Naruto, emerging from the ground smiling.

Enter: The 1# Jutsu Weaver! (Book 1) [Naruto Fairy Tail Crossover Fanfic]
FanfictionCassie Alessandra was just an average everyday high school student. WAS. Until she was supposedly killed by her school bully and thrown into a different world than her own. What world you may ask? The Naruto world, where 13-year olds play with knive...