*First person pov*
As we were walking, I was trying along with Keiko to have a conversation with Gaara. "Gaara, can you use any other jutsus beside sand ones? I'm curious." I ask him. Keiko mimics my question. "No." was all Gaara said. Is it just me, or is he really talkative, he wasn't really like this in the anime or the manga... I stay silent for a second. "Hey, tell me if I'm asking too much, but can you at least try to make a conversation?" I ask him. He looks at me looks ahead. "No." Gaara says. I pout. New mission: Make Gaara talk to me. "Ya know Gaara, I was kinda not expecting you to come, you seem like the type who doesn't like sweets, or socializing, why is that?" I ask him. "Hm, I like sweets every now and then, but not too much." Gaara replies. I smile brightly. "See? It wasn't that hard to make a conversation. Personally, I am a sweet tooth. I like to eat sweets when there is sweets. But not too much, or it will make me sick to the stomach, I can't handle too much sugar." I say. Gaara turns to me. "How can you eat a lot of sweets? It's gets disgusting if you eat too much." Gaara says. "But sweets are amazing! I would eat sweets everyday if it weren't for the fact that I would get fat and get diabetes. Also if I didn't get sick to the stomach. But aside from that fact, I would eat it all the time!" I exclaim. "Keiko too! Keiko likes sweets a lot! Especially dango! Keiko thinks dango will dominate all sweets!" Keiko exclaims. I chuckle and turn to Gaara. "See? Even Keiko agrees! Ya need to get past your sour tastes and get sweet!" I say as I cringe at the word sour. To tell the truth, I hate sour stuff, almost on Wendy level. I can't even understand how people eat warheads and stuff like that, that is torture! "Hm, I actually like sour stuff." Gaara says. I whip my head towards Gaara. "HUH!? That stuff is disgusting! I don't understand how people like sour stuff, it is like torture to your mouth! I hate it with a passion! Right Keiko?" I ask Keiko. Keiko looked thoughtful for a second and comes up with an answer. "Keiko thinks sour stuff taste just fine, Keiko likes the sour candy!" Keiko exclaims. I pucker my cheeks like I was eating sour stuff at the thought of sour candy. "Ohh, you guys need new tastes! If you don't like sweet stuff, the go spicy! Anything as long it isn't sour!" I exclaim, my cheeks still puckered, looking like the warhead guy thing on the bag of warheads. Keiko catches on why my cheeks are puckered and she smirks devilishly. She grabs a lemon out of nowhere and starts eating it, puckering her lips. "OH! Keiko thinks this is so sour! She can't have enough of it!" Keiko says, puckering her lips. I cringe and I run away. "No!" I yell as I get chased by Keiko. Gaara just watched, amused, I guess? Well anywho after me and Keiko settled down we head on our way. We arrived to the dango shop and sat down at a table. When the waitress came, I swear, Keiko started ordering the whole entire menu, I had to stop her before I go broke. "Why Daddy? Why can't Keiko order everything?" Keiko says, she was currently sitting on those baby chairs and I gotta admit, she looked cute. "Because, I can't afford everything! I have enough to pay for all of us, don't make me spend more. If you are a good girl, I will probably give you mine, but only some. You can't have everything." I say, little bit irritated by Keiko's behavior. She pouts and looks away stubbornly. I turn to the waitress. "Sorry bout that. I'll have the Kuri dango and Keiko will have the mitarashi dango. Gaara will have..." I trail off so he can answer. "Goma dango." Gaara answers. The waitress nods and runs off to get the food. Keiko looked mad. "Why did you order the Kuri dango! Keiko wanted the chi chi dango!" Keiko complained. "This is my money, I can buy whatever I want. Besides, this is my order, not yours." I sat. She looks away angrily and I sigh. "Don't be so selfish. Be grateful that there's food on your plate." I say as I drink the glass of water that was on our table, Levi-style. Our dangos came and we feasted. I take a bite out of my dango and my eyes lit up. This is the best, I never had dango ever. So delicious! I look to where Keiko was and she was just devouring it all. Gaara was just eating it slowly, looking thoughtful. He puts his dango down and looks at me. "Why did you call me your 'friend' back at the store?" Gaara asks. "Hmmff? Waft dof youf mean?" I ask with a mouthful of dango. "Exactly what I'm talking about. Why did you call me your friend?" He repeats. I swallow my dango. "Hm? I thought we were already friends. Unless, you don't want to. But that's cool, no hard feelings." I say as I put another dango in my mouth. Gaara eyes widen slightly and goes back to normal. "No, we can be.... friends...." Gaara says, testing the word out cautiously. I smile at him. "That's good. If you would have said no, then everything would get awkward. Glad you saved us from that awkward moment and said yes to my request to being my friend." I say smiling. Keiko jumps from her chair. "Keiko too! Keiko too!" Keiko shouts. People who were in the restaurant looked at us questioning face on but resumed to their conversations. "Sure you can, if Gaara is okay with it." I say. Gaara nods and I see his lips twitch. Is he going to smile? I notice Keiko looking at the last stick of my dango hungrily. I sigh as I give her my last stick and she squeals in delight. She was about to eat but I put my hand on her mouth. "What do you say?" I ask her. "Keiko thanks Daddy!" Keiko says as she kisses my hand. I remove my hand from her mouth and she eats hastily, like someone was going to take it from her. I chuckle. "That kid needs to learn, what life's really like." I say to Gaara without looking at him. I see him in the corner of my eye that he nods. We stay in a peaceful silence, watching Keiko eat happily. I break the silence. "I wish I was a kid like her forever. So oblivious to this beautiful, yet cruel world. I'd give anything." I say out loud. Gaara nods again, slowly. "Hey, why do you hold your cup weird?" Gaara asks. "Because I can. I seen a person drink like this and I thought I could try it out. But it isn't working like I planned... it's hard to drink like this." I say as I grab my cup into normal position. The waitress came back with the check and I paid. We walk out and I notice Gaara was walking in a different direction. "Hey, where are ya goin?" I ask him. He continues walking. "I'm going back to my hotel, I am supposed to meet with my team." He says, still walking. "Okay, see ya soon Gaara!" I say cheerfully and start walking away. Keiko also said her goodbyes and we head to our apartment. We made it to our apartment and I open my door. Oh, I wish I didn't. I see my apartment a mess, ramen cups everywhere. My eyes trail over to a bundle of orange. I see Naruto patting his stomach that was sticking out from his shirt with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. "Hey! Welcome back Cie-" I cut him off by stomping on his face. "I gave you my spare apartment key so we can visit, not me coming back to my apartment looking like a pig pen and you having the stupidest shit-eating grin on your face." I say as I stomp harder on his face with an anime vein on my head. Keiko was laughing at the scene, well, more like at Naruto getting hurt. "Hahahaha! Keiko thinks Naruto-nii is funny! Look at him!" she laughs, pointing at his bruised face. I pick up Keiko, who was on the ground laughing by the scruff. "Oi, I didn't raise you to be sadistic, I raised you to be good little girl that loves everyone equally." I say as I drop her. She hits the ground, and pouts. "Meanie Daddy..." She mutters. "Yeah, I love you too Keiko." I say, not caring about her comment. I turn to Naruto. "Alright, let's get this place cleaned up." I say as I grab cleaning supplies. We clean my apartment and Naruto was complaining the entire time. "Hey! You trashed MY place!!" I yell at him, tired of his complaints. He mumbles incoherent words as he scrubs the floor. "Anywho, what are you doing here Naruto?" I ask Naruto. He looks up and rubs his head sheepishly. "I was thinking, I was thinking, that we can have a sleepover?" Naruto asks. Well, damnit. I thought I could have a nice night, not sleeping on some kind of ground in the wilderness, and not have to wear these bandages that is painfully wrapped around my chest. Oh well, I'll let that thought go down the drain and regret refusing in the morning. "Sure. My place or yours?" I ask him. "We already at your place, why not here?" Naruto suggests. I shrug. "Sure, but I don't have a futon so you can lie on it, so you take the bed with Keiko and I will lie on the floor." I say and Naruto's eyes widen. "No! I am a guest in your apartment! I should take the floor!" Naruto protests. I narrow my eyes. "Which the guest should be put first before the host. Take the damn the bed or I'll knock you out so you can sleep on the bed peacefully. I wouldn't want our first sleepover to be like that, neither do you." I threatened. Naruto nods really fast, but looked sad. "But I feel guilty. Please take the bed Ciel." Naruto says. I grab a baseball bat out of nowhere. "Do you want to test me? I wasn't kidding when I said I would knock you out." I say as I advance towards Naruto slowly. He backs up until he hits the wall. "Okay! Fine! I'll take the bed!" Naruto yells, fearing for his head. I put the bat away somewhere and looked at the clock on the wall. "We should head to bed once we finish cleaning. It's getting kinda late." I say. We finish cleaning, so it was time for bed. Keiko stands up from where she was sitting, stumbling a little and rubbing her eyes. "No! Keiko isn't tired!" Keiko kinda yells, while rubbing her eyes. I chuckle. "Just go to sleep Keiko. You will play plenty in the morning." I say to her, picking her up. She fell asleep instantly in my arms. I head to my room, cleaning all the feminine stuff before Naruto enters. "You can come in Naruto." I call to him softly, not to wake Keiko. He comes in, with a questioning face on. "Why did you want me to wait outside?" Naruto asks. "Because reasons. Now get to sleep." I say, grabbing a few blankets from my closet to sleep on the floor. Naruto enters my bed and I set Keiko next to him. I lay on the ground with a blanket on me. "Night Ciel." I hear Naruto say. "Night Naruto." I say to him before knocking out completely by sleep.
(Oops, this was longer than it was supposed to be, I got carried away XD. Oh well, hoped you enjoyed.)

Enter: The 1# Jutsu Weaver! (Book 1) [Naruto Fairy Tail Crossover Fanfic]
FanfictionCassie Alessandra was just an average everyday high school student. WAS. Until she was supposedly killed by her school bully and thrown into a different world than her own. What world you may ask? The Naruto world, where 13-year olds play with knive...