Teenage depression

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Yup I'm pretty sure most of you reading this know about teenage depression. It's just a really hard stage of life that every teen goes through. I'm not even a teen yet, but I started to realize that I was starting to get teenage depression. When someone pointed out to me that I might have depression, and asked if it was teenage depression, that's when I stopped and thought about it. This person actually helped me realize that I had teenage depression. I don't even know if I'm supposed to be thanking this person or not. But yeah, it's just a really depressing stage in life. You will probably start thinking about how compared to others you're not good enough, and how life is mistreating you. So on and So on, just be warned if you're considering cutting yourself, or suicide, that is not teenage depression. That's the real thing, so I would say go to your school councillor, or just go someone who you can really trust and talk about it with them. Just please do not in anyway harm yourself, because there is always someone who cares about you. And you wouldn't want them to be sad, do you? Unless you're a really evil person and have no heart, BUT ANYWAYS, do not even consider suicide. There are people who will do anything in their power to stop you, and they would even risk their own life to save you. Be thankful you have such people in your life, and think about them if you have depression, or even teenage depression.
Just a short chapter, cuz I couldn't come up with anything better

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