Finally! A break!

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Wednesday 7:07am: Yayyyyy yearbooks!! Getting it this morning, and getting report cards... FUCKING REPORT CARDS UGH! I bet I failed everything...waaaah I'm dead.
Wednesday 12:26pm: I didn't fail but I got a lower mark than last term which sucks. Meh it's the end of the year! There was lots of year book signing, and it was such a fun day! After school I went with Catlin and Lulu to Starbucks, because WHY THE FUCK NOT! My mom came home early, and she's saying that we might have to go somewhere today... I just wanna stay home! Nothing bad happened at school today, which was a good thing, and I think everyone is settled down! TIME FOR FUN TIMES WITH LULU AT SUMMER SCHOOL! YAYYYYYYY! Should I make another book similar to this one for grade 8? Maybe I will since I will have nothing to fucking do with life. The bitch squad, yes, we came up with that name, I am so grateful I met these badass bitches, without them, I have no idea what I'd be doing with my life. I am so glad I decided not to block out other people, THANK FUCKING GOD! I hope next year will be just as fun as this year, excluding the drama. Thank you to everyone who made this school year great, helped me through drama and shit, and those people who could actually deal with me! And to those bitches who made my school year miserable, well, have a great summer and let the guilt ruin your soul, if you even have any guilt. If you don't, then just go fuck someone like the little bitch you are.
(^^^ I don't actually mean it, just wanted to put that out there.)
I'm gonna miss all of my grade 8, soon to be grade 9 friends! Also I'm sorry for everyone who got dragged into drama shit, but it's now in the past.
HAGS EVERYONE! Enjoy your summer while you can!!!

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