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First off, thanks for getting this book over 600 reads! And beating my other book. Anyways, I've been reading through this book and now I'm realizing that I told pretty much everyone who I couldn't trust who the fuck my current crush is. I'm trying to think back as to why I told them and I remembered! It's cuz I give up. I literally just give up on my fucking life. Tbh I shouldn't trust moustache girl, especially after the crush telling incident. Anyways I'm fucked. Lots of shit going on as usual. Thursday was probably the most eventful day. I went to cam's house, did a confrontation, and had the fucking mile run. After the confrontation, I have to admit I was pretty stressed about useless shit. After school, I went to cam's house to work on our science presentation, but tbh, we worked on it for like thirty minutes then gave up. His mom was super nice, almost too nice, his siblings were also pretty nice. Though it was pretty uncomfortable staying in his house alone with him when his mom left us there. Well for the remainder of the time we played on the computer, it was funny to see him so frustrated at the game thou. I think his cat was ok with me so I didn't get scratched (thank god). Also his mom wanted to know where I lived for some reason? Overall I had a pretty fun time at his house, and they were very welcoming. I felt a lot better after I stayed at his house, and honestly that was exactly what I needed at that time. But once again, I'm stressing about shit that happens in life so that's great! Note the sarcasm. I handed in my agenda cover thingy today and I know I fucked up a lot so...yea. Well that's not the only thing I fucked up today. I have probably just ruined a friendship that I will deeply regret later in life, but whatever. Well it's not probably, I did ruin a friendship today. I ruined one yesterday too. Well isn't that swell. Also some family drama is happening, and honestly just fuck my life. Currently I'm starving myself, and well, I'm procrastinating about homework. Anyways that's pretty much all for this update. I'm surprised that I managed to stay alive.

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