Why didnt you tell me earlier?!?!?

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OMFG I AM SO HAPPY!!! MY MOM TOLD ME THAT THE APPOINTMENT WAS JUST FOR AN X-RAY AND A DOCUMENT SIGNING THINGY!! YASSSSSSSSSSSS NO BRACES!!!!...yet. I still don't want them, but I need them. Omfg is it just me who freaks out when a random user on Wattpad votes on your book, and their book has over 1000 reads? Like I always freak out, and I'm sitting there like " wtf why you reading this shit?! ". I swear my mom literally doesn't care about what I think. When I ask why my brother watches the same YouTube video over and over again, she tells me, " you know you were like that too" in a harsh tone. Then I say " well he keeps watching the same videos over and over again when there are NEW ones ". She then says the same thing, " oh you did that too when you were little. " then my dad steps in saying " well maybe he just likes those videos. " and that's the end of the conversation. I FUCKING HATE IT. IT GETS FUCKING ANNOYING WHEN HE KEEPS WATCHING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN, AND I HEAR THE LOUD AS FUCK VOICES WHEN IM TRYING TO EAT, SLEEP, OR EVEN DO HOMEWORK!!!! IT DOESNT FUCKING HELPPPPPP!!!!!!! While my brother is doing that, my parents are focused on their own show, or is occupied with something else!!! I'm sitting there like " SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT YOUTUBE VIDEO!!!! " cuz they say the SAME THING over and over and over again!!!! MOM AND DAD, IM GLAD YOU DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HIS FUCKING YOUTUBE VIDEO, BUT I NEED TO FUCKING FOUCUS ON MY OWN THING, AND ITS KIND FUCKING HARD TO DO THAT WHEN THE VOLUME IS UP TO MAX!!!!!!! I don't talk back to them, because I know no matter what I do, what I say, they will not give a shit or care unless it's about grades, or something important. Omggggg I looked back through the texts I sent while I was in grade six, and I honestly sounded like a cliche bitchy popular girl... Or that's what I imagined the voice like in my head. I also had like, the worst grammar ever. Was I seriously that dumb...was I seriously that was IMMATURE?!? Well the answer isssssss yes I was. 😑 omfggggg now I feel so bad to the people who I was a bitch to 😂😅 OMFG BRAIN STOP DWELLING ON THE PASTTTTTTT! Fucking piece of shit... Oh yea I also said anything to avoid swearing last year, honestly looking back at it, it's hilarious 😂😂😂 oh right, now I know that (almost) my whole class, are a bunch of braggers, so that's nice. 😑 they got me so pissed during PE, and during all the other subjects. I almost physically hurt the person next to me, who was the innocent Shae... I prevented myself from doing so by biting my finger repeatedly. Surprisingly it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, or maybe it was just cuz it was numb... Anyways, I still have to murder a bunch of people in my class... I should wear my boots everyday. Oh yea, it doesn't really help my rage when my MOM is ALWAYS comparing me to either my brother, or someone else who's more 'superior'. She also makes FALSE ACCUSATIONS!! Like she always thinks I'm doing something bad, like she tells me not to bite hard candy. When I move it around my mouth, it makes a noise that doesn't even sound CLOSE to biting, yet SHE THINKS IM BITING THE FUCKING CANDY!!! HONESTLY HAVE A LITTLE TRUST INSTEAD OF ASSUMING IM DOING SOMETHING IM ACTUALLY NOT! And she also does something I hate. She fucking brags about how my brother is better than me. For example, just a few days ago, my brother had to go to the dentist, and he did some fillings. The dentist injected something in his gums, and my mom kept saying he didn't cry, and HINTED that I would when I was that young. Then she would take and use my stuff, also my brother uses my stuff, but then when I use their stuff, they go apeshit, and start to tell me to put it the fuck back. I'm there like " FUCK ALL YOU BITCHES THIS IS MY FUCKING STUFF YET YOURE USING IT!! WHY CANT I USE YOUR STUFF?! FUCK YOU! ". Honestly I sometimes just hate my mom to her guts. I know it's very wrong to hate your mom, but honestly, I don't give a shit anymore. She pushes me to my limit every single fucking torturous day. There are more reasons why I hate her so much, but I won't say, as you all will be bored reading everything, and probably wouldn't give a shit. There's one more thing I'll rant about, which is how much I know are suffering. Either from some medical condition, depression, and even sexuality. Even though humanity finally accepts GLBT, I know a few people who are GLBT. They have told me about them being depressed, and I honestly think that something bad will happen to them every single day. It scares the shit out of me, and it's just really depressing. I'm glad they opened up to me, but the depression just worries me. I don't know exactly what they're going through, but I'm pretty sure it's pretty bad since it has caused them depression. Not to the point they harm themselves, but still pretty bad. These people are some of my good friends and I hate seeing them suffer like this. Well I guess that's it for my ranting for today. Also I think this book will be more of an outlet than a fun thing. I edit like everyday, because there's always something to rant about in my daily life. Well I guess this'll be a rant book now. If you don't liked rant books, I suggest you stop reading from now on. Well this has been a pretty dramatic chapter...so I'll just end it off here.

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