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Tuesday: well, here's the daily update. Shit going on, assembly on Thursday, and EVERYTHING is due on THURSDAY! Ughhhhhh fucking homework. Just fuck it all! BBQ on Friday. Playland on Monday, report cards, grade 8 leaving ceremony, blah blah blah. Oh yea. The locker clean out. I want to have fun. But can I have fun? No. Fucking drama and shit. I can't wait until school is over...

Wednesday: Well I had a mini crisis, but it did get resolved in the end. AMU didn't tell me some of the crucial information, cough cough group chat cough cough. I also burned myself with a hot glue gun, and it's currently swollen. I probably should've treated it, but scree that shit. Tomorrow is the final fitness test we have which is the push up and sit up test. I think I might have a mental breakdown tomorrow and be pissed at two specific people. Well, I will most likely burst if either of them provokes me which will most likely happen. Idk whether it's a good thing or bad thing, but I know he'll will break loose if I end up screaming at them. I want to slap one of them so badly, I wish I could but I can't. I wouldn't even care if they died since I think they deserve it. Yes, it is THAT bad. I'm seriously done with all this bullshit, I might even burst at the simplest things.

Thursday: It didn't go as bad as I thought it would, and I haven't cried. Yet... Anyways. I think everything is resolved, I think everything will go pretty smoothly from now on, well it's more like me hoping it'll be fine. I was called up during an assembly today for supporting cops for cancer? I honestly don't know what I've done to have been called up lol. Whatever I guess. No homework which is great I guess. Considering to write a mystery/horror book...still debating.

Friday: nothing bad happened. Surprisingly, nothing bad happened. We got Jenny-Chan to swear lol. My old crush and I are finally back to normal which is great. Though I still feel shitty from yesterday and the crying and just shit. Thankfully it's Friday and I have Moustache girl with me at my houseeeee!!!! Yayyyyyyy!

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