Socials class

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I've learned that in Ancient Greece people are sexist! Basically all I learned so far. Guys in Ancient Greece are dicks to girls and think that all we can fucking do is bear children and do housework. THEY DON'T EVEN LET GIRLS HAVE A CHOICE OF WHO TO MARRY!!! If my dad chose who the fuck I married, I would fucking run far far away. The people girls get married to in Greece aren't even CLOSE to the same age as them. According to the book, girls get married at 14-16. No just. NO. Honestly it's just sad how some people underestimate women. Like BITCH PLEASE! There's even a reference in our class novel! HERACULES IS SEXIST IN THE NOVEL!!! Like he says " Girls are fit for nothing but work and bearing children.". I swear all the girls in the class went in rage mode. I was fuming and I wanted to go back in Ancient Greece and slaughter all the men. Well... More like whoever made that the law. Anyways, Mrs.Kochan giving us this information just angered me more than I already was. Oh yea. Well... Let's call her... The tall girl. So, during silent reading, well she sits beside me. The chalkboard is behind us, and she ships talliver and I. I think you can figure out the rest. If not, she writes my name and his on the board. But then Mrs.Kochan sees, and yells at her to erase it. Problem is, when Mrs.Kochan yelled at her, everyone looked to her, and saw what she wrote. I swear I heard a few people saying the ship name. That didn't really help Mrs.Kochan, as I was already angry at the fucking textbook. The following day. We had this 'activity', where everyone in the class has a piece of paper and everyone writes something nice about each person in the class. I have to admit it was kinda fun. Until I went to see mine. The very last comment said " I had a crush on you". Me on the inside: " WTF ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME WTF IS HAPPENINGGGGGGGGG WHY IS THIS HAPPENINGGGGGGG!!!!"
Me on the outside: "...what 0///0 "
Oh yea it didn't help that lulu went up to one of the boys WITH my paper and asked if he wrote that. Then of course, the rest of the class ends up knowing. Sighhhhhhhhh anyways. WE'RE GOING TO THE CARNIVAL TODAY!!! YASSSSSSSSSS!!! I've went almost every single year. But this year they have new rides so.... YASSSSSS SO EXCITED!!! Omfg... Yesterday the book lulu had... The character had the same name, and was EXACTLY like me. Creepy...

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