Crushes (december 18 2015)

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Hehehe.. So I ship ppl a lot, when I say a lot I mean a lot. Even lollipop thinks so, but she also helps me so... Yep shipping buddies!! Lol well anyways, this year there has been so many events going on mainly involving crushes. It's pretty weird, since I ship almost everyone in the class with a person. There has been some very dramatic events going on. There has also been a lot of crying this year, not just me but some of my close friends. Last year it was all happy, and cheerful. This year it's all dramatic and painful, hopefully the gr.6's will have a better year next year. Also this is pretty surprising for me, but I have actually developed a crush. Sigh.. It's all Moustache girl's fault.. 😭. Also, moustache girl said she was gonna give up on Talliver! 😭😭😭 NOOOOOOOOOOO TAELIVER!!!!!!! WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME GOD OF SHIPS?!?!? THEY WERE THE BEST SHIP EVER!!!!!!! I did convince her to not give up though.. I'm still not sure if she'll actually start to like him again... 😭 if she doesn't then Taeliver will be no more...😭😭😭. But I still have Renny...😈😈😈 SECOND PRIORITY!!!! I wonder who will take my place next year? OH WAIT LOLLIPOP WILL!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! Shipping is like one of the only things that make me enjoy life, and make my life a whole, literally. I have no idea what to do about my crush, like it's the first ever real crush I've ever had... I'm lost. I'm confused. I'm scared. I'm worried. I'm angry at myself. My feelings can be described in a million words. It's almost Christmas!!!! YAY!!! I might be going Boxing Day shopping with lollipop!!! I feel like something bad will happen soon. This is not good. I felt like someone was staring at me while I was in choir performing in front of the school. It was creepy.. You know that weird feeling someone is always watching you? It feels exactly like that. *shivers* this is plain creepy. Maybe someone wants revenge on me?? A lot of people do though...oh well. I'll probably find out someday. ITS MA BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!IM FINALLY TWELVE!!!!!!!TOOK TOO FUC*ING LONG!!!!! My teacher said that we are one of the classes ever to have people dating, and daring people to kiss and romantic af sh*t. What's also really weird is that she knows who my crush is. Im not sure if she actually knows but I hope she doesn't!
Why must god mess with everyone's lives?

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