photograph | clint barton

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Pairing: Clint x Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 838

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

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You stared in awe as your boyfriend of one year, Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye, released an arrow. It was as fast as a speeding bullet, if not faster. Before it even hit the target, Clint had already released another arrow. You blinked, not realizing your boyfriend had already taken another arrow. You didn't even see him move at all.

But then again, he's Hawkeye.

His face was etched with concentration, not like he needed much. You swore the man could shoot arrows in his sleep, and each would hit bullseye. Your lips curled upwards when you realized what he was doing.

He was simply trying to impress you.

You almost laughed aloud at that ridiculous thought. He knew your heart belonged to him and only him, why did he feel the need to prove himself? You've already seen him shoot and fight in battle countless times, there was no need for him to impress you, you were very much impressed with him already.

You grinned, taking your camera out of your bag and turning it on. Placing it in front of your face, you closed one eye to focus your vision solely on the camera.

Focusing the lens and making sure that Clint was the focus of the photo, you clicked a button on the top and with a snap, the photo was taken.

"Another one?" Clint asked, not even glancing at you. He knew what you did, you did it often enough that he was no longer affected by it.

"Of course." You smiled, admiring the shot.

You were a photographer, and a damn good one too. Over the years you've taken countless shots that featured in front covers of the most well-known magazines and newspapers. That's how you met Clint.

You were given the job of photographing the Avengers. They've become a huge deal after the Battle of New York and you had to admit you were excited and nervous at the same time. Clint had been the first person you had to take, and when you first laid your eyes on him you were completely lovestruck. It was as if he shot an arrow into your heart. It didn't help that he was wearing his battle gear and holding his signature weapon.

After his photoshoot, you couldn't concentrate on the other Avengers. He never left your mind, and you had a feeling he knew he had you back then, as he was staring at you the entire time. Once your job was finished, he approached you and asked for your number, and the rest was history.

"Hey... Hello, anyone home? Earth to [Y/N]?" Clint stated, waving a hand in front of you. You blinked, snapping out of your trance.

"O-Oh, what is it Clint?" You uttered, blushing slightly.

"You were spacing out." Clint shrugged, taking a seat next to you, "so, what were you thinking about?"

"About the first time we met." You sighed.

"Which part of it? Me or me asking you for your number?" Clint smirked. You punched his muscular arm playfully.

"Oh please!" You exclaimed, "get off your throne your highness."

Clint chuckled and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You rested your head on his shoulder, a contented sigh escaping your lips.

"I miss this..." You muttered, "you're always on missions, it's rare to have moments like these."

"Yeah, you're right." Clint agreed, "since I'm always on missions I don't have a chance to show off my sexy girlfriend to everyone."

"Clint we've been dating for a year, I think everyone knows by now."

"That doesn't stop them from checking you out." He growled. You rolled your eyes, knowing he gets jealous really easily.

"So how's that photo you took? Any good?" Clint questioned, changing the subject. You took your head off his shoulder and showed him the photograph.

Clint was very supportive of your job. He especially love it when you take pictures of him.

"Damn I look nice." Clint complimented, making you laugh.

"I swear your ego is higher than Mount Everest. Lower it down a bit will you sweetheart?"

"What? It's not my fault I was born this way." Clint protested.

"Uh huh..." You voiced, not sounding convinced at all, "it's probably just the photographer that made you look so good in this shot." You smirked. Clint raised an eyebrow.

"Very funny [Y/N]." He said, studying the photograph more carefully. He frowned, making you wonder why.

"You know this photo is almost perfect, but there's one thing missing."

This time, it was you who frowned. You studied the photograph, seeing you had many mistakes but those mistakes can only be seen in the eye of a professional photographer. Unless Clint had been hiding his talent in photography from you you couldn't see how he could've seen any mistakes.

"What's missing?" You quizzed, eyeing him curiously.

He turned to you and leaned closer to you, until your lips were inches away from each other.

"You." He breathed, connecting his lips to yours.

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