decisions | bucky barnes & steve rogers

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Pairing: Bucky x Reader x Steve

Relationship: Friendship/Romantic

Word Count: 1,941

Type: Comedic/Fluff

Warnings: Swearing

Requested by Becky--Dixon

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Sweat dripped down your forehead and you used your arm to wipe it, panting heavily as you do so. The poor punching bag you were using looked like it was about to break, and if it did that would be the third one this week alone.

You walked over to the bench and grabbed your drink bottle, hoping to get a taste of some much needed water but you found it was empty.

"Hey, can one of you give me some of your water? I'm out and I ain't walking to the other side of the room to refill it." You said, glaring at the water dispenser all the way at the opposite end of the gym. If the gym wasn't so gigantic you wouldn't mind, but this place was enormous, you didn't want to waste your time and energy.

"You can have mine." Steve answered quickly, smiling shyly.

"Or mine." Bucky added, earning a glare from Steve.

You shrugged and grabbed the closest bottle, which happened to be Steve's, and brought it to your lips, not caring about the fact that Steve also drank from the same bottle. You noticed Steve smirking at Bucky while the Winter Soldier sent his friend a dirty look. Honestly, you didn't know what the hell was up with those two, they've been at it for a while now. You wondered what caused the two best friends to become 'rivals', but you didn't care. It was their business, not yours.

"Thanks." You grinned, returning to your beloved punching bag. You missed the sight of Steve blushing, and Bucky rolling his eyes.

You began to train yourself again, pushing your body to its absolute limit. Everyone always told you that you worked too hard for your own good, but you couldn't help it. Growing up as a daughter of a C.I.A. and a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, your parents sent you to the most prestigious schools and personally trained you to fight and become an agent like them ever since you could stand upright. Training was implanted in your brain, it was vital for your life.

You had to admit, your parents were a bit too harsh on you, but the results were astounding. Not only did you graduate high school at the mere age of 15, you attended M.I.T. and became a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent at the age of 18. Your mother, who was part of the C.I.A., was slightly disappointed you didn't choose the C.I.A., but she was proud of you nonetheless. You rose to become one of the most elite agents in S.H.I.E.L.D. You were on par or even stronger than the Black Widow, and you could hold your own against Steve or Bucky.

"Come on [Y/N], that's enough, take a break." Steve urged, sounding worried.

"I just did." You huffed, throwing another punch.

"Hey [Y/N], wanna have a match?" Bucky asked, smiling. You paused and raised an eyebrow at his request.

"Oh? You sure tough guy? Thought you learned your lesson the last time." You teased, walking towards the mat.

Bucky scoffed, "hey, you got lucky last time!"

"Oh please."

The two of you got into a stance and began throwing punches and kicks at each other. Bucky took care not to use his metal arm too much because he was afraid he'd hurt you and though you'd never admit it, you were grateful for that. A punch from that arm of his hurts.

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