unbelievable | parent avengers

20.3K 773 993

Pairing: None

Relationship: Parent & daughter 

Word Count: 1,269

Type: Comedic

Warnings: Swearing

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You sniffed, furiously rubbing your eyes and trying to hide the tear stains and redness of your face. No one could see you crying, or god knows what will happen to [ex's name] and [girl you hate's name].

"[Y/N]? Is that you?" You heard Steve call out from the other room. You quickly did your best to clean your face and straighten up just before Steve entered the room.

"Hi Steve!" You said cheerfully, masking your sadness from earlier.

Steve studied you carefully, and you could feel his gaze burning into your skin.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Never better!" You squeaked, rushing to your room.

As soon as the door was slammed shut, the tears fell freely. You covered your mouth, trying to conceal the sobs.

No one could see you or hear you.

No one.

➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳

"Sir, I think everyone should see this." The A.I. of the tower, J.A.R.V.I.S., voiced.

"See what?" Tony inquired, not sounding very interested. A video of your room appeared, and you were in it.

Crying your eyes out.

Natasha dropped the apple she was eating, Bruce took his glasses off, Thor and Loki stopped bickering, Bucky, Sam and Steve all froze to stare at the video, Clint spat out the Coca Cola he was drinking, Pietro stopped moving, Wanda stopped mid-sentence and Tony dropped his glass.

Your cries echoed from the video and into the all-too-silent room. The Avengers all looked at one another, each of their hearts breaking at the sound of your sobs and whimpers.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., track [Y/N] from the time she left the tower to the time she returned and do not exclude anything." Tony ordered the A.I.

"Of course sir."

After five minutes of absolute silence, save for you in the video, J.A.R.V.I.S. finally spoke up.

"These are all the footages I've gathered from street cameras." The A.I. informed, giving Tony all the videos.

Tony worked expertly to analyse each video thoroughly as the other Avengers waited in anticipation. None were very useful until he came across a particular one.

"Tony, show us that one." Bruce pointed at a video of you walking down the street and then freezing as if you saw your worst enemy up ahead.

Tony enlarged the video for everyone to see.

It started off boring and as normal as it could be. You were walking down the street in a particularly good mood, but half a minute into the video you suddenly stopped mid-step. You were staring into a cafe, and then you dropped the cup of Starbucks you were holding and covered your mouth.

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