the woman who was blessed pt. 4 (final) | avengers

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Pairing: None

Relationship: Friendship

Word Count: 1294 words

Type: Sad

Warnings: SADNESS

Sorry this took so, so long. School took over my life and murdered all my hobbies, and the 3DS was highly distracting.

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When you're as powerful as someone like Wanda Maximoff, your powers may sometimes get the best of you. Other times, your powers become even more powerful than the user.

And that's what the darkness was.

It was the manifestation of Wanda's powers, the manifestation of darkness. [Y/N] sensed the hatred that radiated from it, the despair and pain and heard pained screams that ripped the air. The other Avengers were on the ground, fighting a losing battle with this beast.

[Y/N] stared at it, for she knew that this wasn't powerful, it was power itself. It was power fueled by the darkness that resided in Wanda's heart. [Y/N] cursed, knowing it was the unwanted result of using her powers to get inside Wanda's head. She must've released this demon unknowingly, and she had now doomed this world, this realm and perhaps all realms.

Wanda stared at her - no, their creation with wide eyes. She attempted to trap it and destroy it, but alas, it harboured the powers of both her and [Y/N], a truly terrifying combination. [Y/N] did the same, but it was no use. Somehow, it was too strong.

[Y/N] knew it feasted on all the negativity of the world. Wars, vengeance, grief and despair, it all filled this... this monstrosity. It was so powerful. So, so powerful.

How were they supposed to defeat this?

Of course, [Y/N] already knew the answer. However, it was a last resort and something she never thought she had to do. She avoided doing it at all cost... but if it was the only way to defeat this monster...

"What do we do?!" Natasha yelled over the anguished screams of the creature that was literally breaking reality. [Y/N] did everything she could to stop the creature. She used all her powers, all her tricks and abilities, but it only seemed to fuel its anger and further strengthen it.

"Zhere's no use! It's too-" Wanda was cut off by a strong force of energy, effectively knocking her back several feet. Clint ran up to her, taking extra precautions to avoid the flying pieces of debris, and crouched near her fallen figure. He scanned her for injuries before giving [Y/N] a frightened, helpless look.

"[Y/N]..." Steve breathed shakily, looking more scared than he had ever been. [Y/N] glanced at him and felt the urge to comfort him, to take his worries away.

She glanced at all her new friends; the Avengers. A battered Clint and Natasha were both struggling to keep an unconscious and bloody Wanda safe from the destruction. A barely conscious Bucky and Sam were both trying their best to stand upright, to keep fighting even though it was a losing battle. Even Tony, Vision and Thor were falling to the mercy of the creature of darkness. Their expressions were helpless and truly scared.

[Y/N] balled her hands and stepped forward. She had to do it.

This was the last resort.

[Y/N] collected energy from her entire body, from the entire Earth, from the entire universe, from all the realms, and focused it to one spot and one spot only. She had a ball of compressed energy from the entire world in her hands, but she knew simply destroying the creature wouldn't do the trick.

She had to send it between the fabrics of reality, to a place where nothing exists at all. A void.

And that's what she did.

Using all that energy, she weakened the creature and wielded her powers, ripping a hole in the fabric where everything disappears. Slowly, the creature began to get sucked in. It thrashed like it was being tortured, but she kept a firm grip on control. It was going to cease to exist completely.

[Y/N] could feel her powers, the source of her life, being drained away at an alarming rate. Her knees felt weak and her body was like lead. However, she had to pull through. She was going to, for her friends. For her friends that loved her for who she was. Her friends that took her in slowly, but eventually with open arms. Her friends who had each other's backs no matter what. She had to pull through for this world. For the world that gave her so much happiness despite its misfortune. The world that continued to welcome her, no matter how ruined it was. The world that she loved, even when it was a destructive one.

When the abomination was finally eliminated for good and all the damage was restored - an extra gift [Y/N] made sure to implement - [Y/N] couldn't help but smile. She caught Tony's relieved and proud gaze before collapsing onto the hard pavement.

Her entire body was numb and heavy. She couldn't move a single muscle, she couldn't even think properly. Her entire body was shutting down due to so much power being exerted.

"[Y/N]?! [Y/N], talk to us!" she heard Sam's voice; desperate and raw. She couldn't respond, and she knew she wouldn't be able to if she tried.

To open the dimension, the void between realities where nothing existed, was a enormous task that required too much power for her to ever handle.

Doing it... would kill her.

She had no regrets though. To die saving the world, to die living hundreds, thousands of lifetimes, to die surrounded by the people she cared about... it was truly a gift from the gods, even the one who cursed her.

This life had been a curse, so to finally die, and die the right way, was a true blessing, one that she would gladly accept.

The voices of the Avengers grew more distant, more mumbled and jumbled up together. Her vision darkened, until finally... finally, it became dark, and she heard no more.

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The funeral was brutal for everyone.

All the Avengers except Wanda, who was unconscious at that time, had been there when [Y/N]'s life finally faded away. They saw how the sparkle in her eyes, the eyes that held entire galaxies within them, literally faded to black, into nothing. The universe fell from her eyes and was replaced by a disgusting onyx.

Wanda took [Y/N]'s death hard. She blamed herself and insisted that she was kept in quarantine until further notice, much to the other Avengers' displeasure. [Y/N] wouldn't have wanted that either.

But [Y/N] wasn't there anymore. She was dead, and she died saving them while they were absolutely powerless.

It frustrated all the Avengers terribly, being unable to do anything. They tortured themselves with the memories of the battle and their last memory of her, of their last words to her. [Y/N] was someone they looked up to and she was gone.

The kind, wise and gentle-hearted [Y/N] was gone.

They sat in the silent tower, spending another day reminiscing the past and how cheerful the tower had been before everything fell apart. It only changed when something caught Clint's sharp eyes.

"Guys... look." He pointed at what he saw. The other Avengers followed Clint's finger and some audibly gasped while others gawked.

It was a white raven, it's eyes holding the universe within them.

Cyrus, [Y/N]'s best friend.

They stared at him, and he stared back, his eyes painfully reminding them of her. He tilted his head to the side and almost seemed to smile reassuringly. Instead of flying away, he stayed perched, peering into the building, as if watching them.

Then it hit them.

"I created him. He's my other eye. I could see everything he sees, sense everything he senses... he's my closest companion."

They couldn't believe it.

Even in death, she watched over them.

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