key to peace | the avengers

11.9K 378 185

Pairing: None with a bit of Tony x Reader

Relationship: Friendship

Word Count: 3,564

Type: Sad


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You watched the news with concern. You hated people portraying the captain and his friends as traitors. They weren't like that. Even though the Avengers had destroyed and unintentionally killed many people, they were trying their best to save lives. It was a question of 'does the end justify the means?' To you, it did, and you knew a majority of people agreed. In fact, many were furious the government had branded the iconic Captain America as some sort of criminal.

Growing sick of the news report, you turned off the television and sighed. You knew each of the Avengers on a personal level. Being friends with Tony Stark, you had met them in one of his parties. However, just because you knew Tony longer it didn't mean you were on his side.

"Ms [Y/N], they're ready for you." Your assistant informed. You nodded and told her you'd be ready in a minute.

You straightened out your jacket and pencil skirt, making sure that you looked absolutely flawless. If you had one mishap, the press would be all over you. But then again, with what you're about to do, you're guaranteed to already draw attention of the media and the governments of the world.

You walked out onto the stage and a round of applause greeted you. You waved at the audience; a mix of ordinary people, supporters, new reporters, important political figures and influential figures and more.

This was usual for you, since you were a internationally famous humanitarian. You've received your fair share of critics and haters, but you've influenced many leaders worldwide.

You walked to the podium and once everyone was quiet, you began to speak.

"Good evening everyone. It's a privilege to be here, speaking with you all tonight." You said, smiling, "as you may know by now, I'm [Y/N] [L/N], and if you know me well, you know that I'm quite against violence, as we should all be. I hate warfare, like we all do. However, just because I hate it, doesn't mean I am against it."

Murmurs and confused stares rippled across the room, but you continued your speech. "I understand that many of you are puzzled by such a contradicting statement. Honestly, if I were you, I'd be too, but the fact is; war is required." you watched as each face in the room morphed into one of horror, "In an ideal world, we'd solve everything diplomatically, but history has taught us diplomatic measures don't always work out. One party will most likely disagree, and no results will be produced. Sometimes, you have to use force to succeed."

"There is no right or wrong in this world." you continued, "Good and evil are subjective. Adolf Hitler thought that his actions were justified, that he was doing good while the world saw it as an evil deed. It's what you believe in. Everyone believes in different matters; in different religions, in different ideologies. That is why it's impossible to reach an absolute agreement where everyone is satisfied, because we're all different here, so no one can end up satisfied. That's why diplomacy is about compromising, but when you reach a point where you can't compromise, what do you do?"

A silence followed your question. "Do you stay rooted and saw 'no'? Tell the opposing party that you won't do as they say, and leave the problem unresolved? What will the opposing party do? Will they also leave the matter alone? Most of the time, they use force to get what they want. That's how wars are born. It's inevitable, and it is required because we wouldn't be here today without the wars fought in the past. Sure, the world is as broken as ever, but you and I wouldn't alive. All these great inventions wouldn't be here. All of humanity's greatest achievements wouldn't be achieved without conflict in the past. We need someone strong enough to force another into submission, because if not, issues will drag on for years, even decades."

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