real or not? | steve rogers

15.3K 461 367

Pairing: Steve x reader

Relationship: Friends/Possible romance

Word Count: 2,222

Type: Fluff

Warnings: Language

Requested by cathrrrine

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"Please good lord, kill me now so I don't have to deal with this shit." you prayed to your god once you hung up the phone.

You allowed yourself to fall back onto your bed in the Avengers Tower, and after a minute of absolute silence, you began groaning and whining loudly. You moved your legs and messed up your bed, throwing a tantrum.

"Ms [L/N], are you... okay?" The A.I. system questioned.

"Yeah, I'm just exercising, that's all." you snapped sarcastically, sighing angrily as you ran a hand through your [H/C] locks.

What were you going to do?

"[Y/N]? I heard some... noises, is everything alright?" you heard your friend, Steve, ask from the other side of your bedroom door.

You opened it and said in an irritated fashion, "what do you think?"

Steve, slightly taken aback by your rudeness, raised an eyebrow and said, "is it a crime to worry?"

"No, it's just-I'm sorry." you sighed, realising you need a serious attitude change, "I just received wonderful news that I have to attend this family gathering my parents organise every year, to celebrate some unknown, forgotten holiday I'm sure they made up themselves."

"And that's bad?" Steve questioned.

"No, it's great! I love seeing my family again, especially all of them in one go!" you exclaimed, then added, "although my cousins... not so much." you scrunched up your face and continued, "but apparently, my mum doesn't just want me there, she also wants my boyfriend."

Steve choked on his saliva and managed to utter, "you have a boyfriend?!"

You crossed your arms and scoffed, "of course not, but you know how mothers are, always asking if you've found a guy yet... I couldn't bear to be the disappointment of the family any longer, so I told her I did." you stared dazedly into the distance, reflecting on your life choices, "oh how it came back to bite me in the ass."

"Language." Steve reminded, frowning at your foul words. His expression then softened. "Why don't you just tell her the truth? I'm sure she'll understand."

"I'm sure she will," you agreed, "and I'm sure my dad would be glad he doesn't have to meet another one of his daughters' boyfriends, but I'm not worried about my parents. I mean, if I announce that my supposed boyfriend is imaginary to my whole family, they would never, and I mean never, let me hear the end of it." You shuddered at the very thought.

"Are they that bad?" Steve asked helplessly.

"No, unless it comes to embarrassing you in the worst possible moments." you confessed, "my first boyfriend broke up with me after learning from my sister that I have a shrine in the back of my closet dedicated to the three Egyptian God cards from Yu-Gi-Oh, to which I pray to at least thrice every week. They then proceeded to date a month later."

"A shrine for... what?" Steve tried to repeat, completely confused. You waved a hand to dismiss the topic.

"Point is, they will ruin my life, either intentionally or unintentionally, probably the latter since they have an uncanny talent for doing that." you said miserably.

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