superhero | sam wilson

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Pairing: Sam x Reader

Relationship: Friendship

Word Count: 308

Type: Fluff/Sad-ish

Warnings: None

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When you're part of the Avengers, that meant you're strong, right? You're part of a team of heroes for heaven's sake! Of course you'd be some powerful being!

Well, that might be the case of the original Avengers, but Sam Wilson never felt that way.

Yes, he was part of the team but he always felt inferior compared to the other, much stronger Avengers. He didn't show it or voice his insecurities to anyone, because he thought it was stupid. Everyone would just list all his good traits and try to cheer him up. Tony would most likely throw a party in his honour.

However, even when he didn't say anything one person saw through his barriers, and that was [Y/N] [L/N].

[Y/N] was part of the Avengers like him, but she had powers. She had telepathic abilities that was stronger than that of the Scarlet Witch. That, and the fact that she had known Sam much longer than everyone else in the team, even Steve Rogers, meant that she instantly saw past his shield. She saw his insecurities, doubt and the darkness inside his heart, and like the good friend she was she tried to talk to him about it.

However, Sam would reject her help. He pushed her away, like he always did whenever she offered to help him. It didn't matter what was the root of his discomforts, he would deny any helping hand. [Y/N] despised his stubbornness. She only wished to help her friend, but instead all she did was push him further and further away.

One day though, it all came crashing down on him. The darkness inside his heart finally broke him.

[Y/N] didn't know what triggered it, all she knew was that she had to be there for him... And remind him that he was a superhero, like all of them.

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Oh gosh this is the shortest one-shot I've ever written, but it's meant to be short and fluffy.

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