song fic. some type of love | tony stark

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Pairing: Tony x Reader

Relationship: Post-breakup

Word Count: 1047 words

Type: None

Warnings: None

I am not a Tony fangirl but I can't with this gif ASDFGHJKL;

Continuation of the previous Tony chapter, 'song fic. we don't talk anymore' (I wasn't going to leave you guys on that depressing note, I'm not THAT cruel... usually)

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When I'm old and grown
I won't sleep alone, woah oh

Tony Stark never really had a right mind. Sure he was a fully functional human being, but his rationality was constantly questioned by the government, the public, his friends and literally everyone that had ever met him or seen him in action.

Following rules and listening to instructions was never one of his strong points. One night, after hours of drinking and listening to the worried comments of his A.I., everything just fell apart. It all fell apart, and those broken pieces came back together into one conclusion; he had to get you back.

Every single moment will be faded into you
That's some type of love
That's some type of love

When you walked into the reception of the building you were currently living in, you were greeted by the receptionist.

"Ms [L/N], these are for you." a large bouquet of gorgeous flowers was handed to you, causing you to narrow your eyes in suspicion.

The specific flower arrangement was too similar to a certain date to be a coincidence. You knew who it was from immediately, and you were having none of it.

"Tell whoever sent this to stop what he's doing." you smiled menacingly before shoving the bouquet back into the arms of the receptionist and heading to the elevator.

And I won't sing the blues
Cause all I need is you, woah oh

The following day, the same thing occurred. This time, the gift came with a card that had a sappy love poem written on it.

How romantic.

"For heaven's sake-" you sighed angrily and continued to reject the gift.

However, they wouldn't stop coming. Everyday was a new fresh bouquet, each as beautiful as the last accompanied by the cheesiest love poems that you couldn't help but laugh and smile at, even though you knew you shouldn't and you hated yourself for doing so.

Every single question will be answered all by you
That's some type of love
That's some type of love

It's been two weeks since the first bouquet came and you had grown accustomed to receiving them. You weren't accepting them, but you were close. In fact, you grew to expect them every time you returned from work.

When you walked into the reception again, you were instead greeted by Tony himself. You stopped in your tracks and stared at him.

He wore a tuxedo that was no doubt custom-made, and his hair was groomed to perfection but you could see that he messed with it a bit. It was too neat for his taste, and admittedly yours as well. You preferred him without the formalities. In his arms was another bouquet, the most beautiful yet because it contained [Fav. Flower].

When the world's on fire we won't even move
There is no reason if I'm here with you

You walked up to him and crossed your arms. You had the urge to just embrace him already, but you had to remain strong. If he was trying to mend things, he wouldn't win you over with flowers.

"Flowers. How classic of you. It's much unlike the Tony Stark I knew." you sighed. Those were the first words you had said to him since the breakup.

"Well the Tony Stark you knew was also an asshole to the woman he loved." Tony responded smoothly, catching you off-guard.

"You're still as charming as ever." you chuckled, trying to conceal your bashfulness. You couldn't deny that the statement caused your heart to skip a beat.

"Please, [Y/N]... I know I was wrong... I'm really sorry-"

"The great Tony Stark puts down his massive ego and apologises!" you gasped playfully, "wouldn't the reporters be overjoyed to get such a story."

Tony couldn't help but smile at your attitude. You were still the same [Y/N], making witty remarks even during the most serious situations. It was one of the things about you that he loved most, and he truly missed hearing them, even if you were incredibly savage and he was getting burned to oblivion.

And when it's said and done I'll give me to you

"I want to give... us, another chance." he said carefully, "let me prove to you how sorry I am, and how much I love you."

You stepped back hesitantly, but still stayed at reaching distance. This was Tony's signal to continue.

"[Y/N]... I love you and these past few months without you were just horrible. I was like... Marshall when Lily went to San Fransisco." you laughed at his reference. Tony couldn't help but smile; he made you laugh again.  "So would you please, please take me back again?"

You thought long and hard about it. You loved Tony, a lot. However, he had hurt you so many times, you weren't sure you wanted to go back to that place again. But then here he was, begging for your forgiveness and setting aside his ego just for you.

That's some type of love

The relationship you had after Tony lasted several weeks, and that was because no one could compare to Tony, no one ever will. He was the love of your life no matter how horrible he was at times.

And you missed him, you truly did. You missed him more than words could explain. You missed him more than you had ever missed anything in your life.

So you stepped up to him and finally took the bouquet from his arms. His eyes widened and a smile spread across his face.

"Does this mean-"

"Don't get your hopes up Stark." you said sharply, "I'm accepting your attempts, nothing is official."

That's some type of love

Tony watched you enter the elevator with the bouquet in your arms. He couldn't stop grinning; you finally opened your heart. Even if it was just a bit, it was something.

It was going to be a long struggle to win you back, but he was willing to do it. He was willing to climb from the depths of hell and beyond to be with you.

He'll do anything, anything at all.

Unbeknownst to him, he didn't have to do much. He had already won your heart. You were just being stubborn.

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