puppets pt. 5 | bucky barnes

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Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 1,228

Type: Sad-ish?

Warnings: A bit depressing

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The pain was excruciating. [Y//N] had been shot and tortured many times before, but it never eased the pain that followed. Her breathing turned into small gasps as she struggled to stay conscious. Her vision grew darker and blurrier. She saw Alexander looking down at her coldly.

"Shame..." He sighed, shaking his head slowly, "after all I've done for you... I could've killed you with your parents but instead I adopted you and this is how you repay me." He ranted. [Y/N] felt her heart twist when she heard that. She wished she was strong enough so she could punch the living daylights out of him, but she didn't have the energy to move.

He shot her again, and again... And again. Three shots. Pain erupted through her body and spread like wildfire, and she barely registered someone calling her name. The pain was just too much.

She desperately wanted to sleep. She just wanted to give in, but something kept her from letting go, or rather, someone. That someone was the Winter Soldier.

She had to be there for him, no matter what. She had to save him, free him from his shackles. She couldn't let go yet. Not yet.

However, it was getting more and more difficult to not give in to the darkness. She heard some muffled noises and some loud bangs that sounded awfully like gunshots. Seconds later, Fury and Natasha's face came into view.

Their mouths moved, but she couldn't hear what they were saying. She felt arms snake under her and she felt the ground leaving. A pained moan escaped her from the movement as new pain coursed through her. It was too much.

She couldn't fight it anymore, she gave into the darkness.

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James Buchanan Barnes pushed himself into the wall, blending into the shadows when someone passed by. Though his now casual clothing helped him blend in with everyone else, agents were crawling everywhere, and there was only one person he could trust.

Unfortunately, that person seemed to have disappeared from the face of Earth.

He scowled when he noticed he wandered off closer than he'd like to the remains of the Triskelion. He pivoted and tried to exit the site as quick as possible, but then he came face to face with cold eyes.

Before he could grab his gun, the person spoke, "don't bother, I'm not going to hurt or report you. I'm leaving this city soon anyway."

Bucky studied the woman who he tried to kill just a week or two before; Natasha. If she wasn't here to turn him in or hurt him, what did she want?

"... You're looking for [Y/N], am I correct?" Natasha guessed, crossing her arms.

"How do you know her?" Asked Bucky, eyeing the woman suspiciously. Natasha simply shrugged.

"Doesn't matter, what matters is that you get to her, now."

Bucky suddenly grew concerned. Fear struck his heart at the thought of [Y/N] possibly getting hurt, or worse. A part of him wanted to find her, but another part of him didn't want to know what had happened to her.

"Why? What happened?"

"She's in the hospital, but she won't be tomorrow." Natasha explained, "we're going to move her into hiding. As long as she's exposed she's always at risk of an assassination attempt... It happened four times already over the past week, all by HYDRA agents. After that happens you won't be able to see her seeing that you won't be turning yourself in anytime soon."

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