A/N: editing & updates (IMPORTANT)

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Hey guys, if you notice that I haven't been active much, that's because my exams are coming up in May, and I am VERY nervous about it so I've been spending more of my free time studying for it. That means less time to write.

I also have my Student Council duties to attend to. I am preparing a formal for the high schoolers and it's HARD work.

Throughout May I'll be on hiatus, and it will only be in late June that I'll be able to freely write again, but even that's uncertain because I plan to prepare for my next year by polishing up my Biology.

Aside from that, I'm editing the chapters. The chapters won't have any new contents in them, I'm only changing some stuff to make it consistent and all.

I'll also be accepting requests. Yes, I know I'll be inactive but if you have any request just PM me now. Do keep in mind that your request won't be done until the end of next month or in two months or so, but I'll keep a request list for those who do request.

Before I go, one question;


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