overshadowed | steve rogers

27.5K 710 1.5K

Pairing: Steve x Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 2,654

Type: Sad

Warnings: Beware of feels

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You knew you were being foolish, selfish even. You had to be considerate, but you couldn't bear it any longer.

You glanced at Steve, you boyfriend, and your heart clenched in pain. You wondered why you felt so hurt, you should feel anger, resentment even. You should feel anything but pain, but you couldn't. You felt so empty, so... Worthless. Who could blame you though? When you're always being compared to a legend like Peggy Carter, who wouldn't feel insignificant?

You knew how much she meant to Steve. You knew he loved her with all his heart, and from the looks of it he still did but you wished he would stop comparing you with her all the time. You know already, you could never live up to Peggy Carter, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of the greatest woman in the 20th history. Still, Steve didn't need to constantly remind you every single time he was with you.

You knew you could never be as beautiful as her. You knew you could never be as intelligent as her. You knew you could never be as brave as her. You knew you could never be as strong as her, and you knew damn well Steve would never love you as much as he loved her, but the least he could do was appreciate you for who you are, and not for who you are beside his former lover.

You couldn't believe Steve would break you so much. Steve, the gentle, lovable, loyal and noble Steve would never do such a thing, at least that's what you thought. But he did. He broke your heart into a million pieces and made you feel insignificant, imperfect, like a piece of garbage that had been trampled on countless times.

You tried, you really did. You tried to cope with it, to listen to him and fight the urge to run away, to crawl and hide in a hole never to surface again. However, it had taken a toll on you. You could barely hold your tears every time he mentions her name.

You held a lot of respect for Peggy, you looked up to her and strived to be like her even before you met Steve. You still have as much respect and admiration for her now, if not more, Steve haven't changed your opinions about Peggy. If not he made you admire Peggy more through the stories he told you of her. However, now you also felt overshadowed by Peggy.

You stood up, your hands hanging limply by your side as you made your way to Steve. He didn't seem to notice your dreadful mood, obviously he was too tired from a mission. You hated to talk to him about this right after his mission but he was bound to leave for another mission soon and you had to get it off your chest before it destroys your relationship and you.

"Steve...?" You whispered, standing at the doorway.

"Hm? What is it darling?" He asked, turning his head to you. You felt a lump in your throat but swallowed it down.

"Steve I... I don't think I could do this anymore." You began with a shaky voice.

"Do what?" Steve questioned, his eyes filled with concern and a hint of fear.

"I don't think we would work out." You uttered.

"What?" Steve exclaimed, standing up, "why?!" He demanded, his voice laced with alarm.

"I can't continue being in this relationship if I'm always-" you took a sharp breath. You were so, so afraid of confessing it to him.

"Always what [Y/N]?!"

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