speechless | steve rogers

23.7K 711 413

Pairing: Steve x Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 1,527

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

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The bell chimed, announcing the arrival of another customer. Normally, no one would bat an eye but this time it was different.

All eyes were on you as you entered the cafe, your flawless, [H/C] locks resting on your shoulders and your sparkling, [E/C] orbs scanning the room for an empty seat. Your brows furrowed once you realised that most seats were occupied.

You approached a muscular, blond male who was currently reading a book, seeing that he had an empty seat in front of him. Perhaps he could share.

"Excuse me?" You voiced, smiling at the man once he glanced up. You took notice of his handsome features, especially his gorgeous baby-blue eyes.

"I apologize, everywhere else is full, may I sit here?" You requested, gesturing towards the empty chair.

He didn't respond initially, he simply stared at you, his eyes wide and his mouth agape.

"Um... Sir?"

"O-Oh of course!" He uttered, snapping out of his trance. You giggled, thinking he was pretty cute as you took your seat. A waitress approached you and took your order while the man was shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"I'm [Y/N], and you are?"

"Steve." He answered, smiling timidly.

"Steve... Nice to meet you Steve." You grinned.

➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳

Steve stared at the woman in front of him in awe. Never in his life has he seen a woman as beautiful as you. Your [H/C] hair flowed effortlessly down your back and your [E/C] eyes were enchantingly mesmerizing. Whenever you spoke, your voice would echo in his mind as if his head was hollow.

"What are you reading?" You inquired, beaming at him. He swore his heart was beating so fast and so loudly even you could hear it.

"A-Ah well... This book..." He murmured, unsure of what to tell you. He was afraid you'd think he was strange for reading it.

"Is that the Diary of Anne Frank?" You observed, "you've never read it before?"

"I can't say I have, that's why I'm reading it now..." He answered, blushing and embarrassed.

"It is an interesting book." You commented, "her story is simply extraordinary, though very tragic."

"I agree." Steve muttered, trying not to get lost in your [E/C] gems.

The waitress arrived with your order, and you continued to converse with Steve for two whole hours, until you had to leave.

Steve walked back to the tower, his mind hazy. He couldn't get you off his mind, but he was saddened by the fact that he may never see you again. He hadn't asked for your number or any contact information, he wished he did. However, you intimidated him.

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