puppets pt. 1 | bucky barnes

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Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Relationship: Doctor and patient(?)/Friendship/Subtle Romance

Word Count: 1,321

Type: Sad-ish?

Warnings: A bit depressing

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Murmurs filled the large, enclosed room as men and women dressed in clean, white lab coats made exchanges in hushed whispers. Others were furiously typing away, each hurrying to complete their assigned tasks. Soldiers wearing bulletproof vests, armed from head to toe and carrying large rifles littered about, looking over the shoulders of the terrified scientists.

The atmosphere was heavy with tension as the researchers continued their work, focusing solely on the screens, clipboards and holograms. With only vents as their source of natural air, the room had a disgusting, metallic smell from the countless machines and the steel wall that covered it. Being in an underground facility was the safest option, but it was also a difficult environment to work in.

There was a chorus of nods and agreements, and a team of scientists approached a dainty figure standing in front of a large contraption that emitted white wisps of icy air.

"We're ready." One of the scientists addressed the woman. She simply nodded, her gaze still lingering on the machine before her.

She shifted her eyes away and turned to the group of eager researchers, her expression unreadable. Strands of her [H/C] hair stuck onto her forehead as her [E/C] orbs scanned the faces before her.

"Prepare for the extraction." She ordered, returning her gaze towards the contraption, or rather, who was in it.

"Please step away ma'am." One of the guards reminded her. She shook her head in refusal.

"Don't worry, I have faith that he won't hurt me." She said confidently.

"But your father said-"

"I am fully aware of the safety precautions my father has instructed you to execute." She interrupted, not bothering to look at the guard, "But there is no reason to fear for my well-being."

"... As you wish..."

Creaks and groans from the machine in front of her could be heard throughout the room. A shiver ran down her spine, she had been through this process many times before, yet she was still not yet used to it.

The hatch that had concealed the being inside the contraption slowly opened, and she could sense everyone else in the room backing away slowly.

But she didn't follow them.

She took a step towards the opened hatch, tucking stray strands of her hair behind her ear as she bent down to take a closer look. Ignoring the bitter cold that kissed her skin, she placed a hand on the rim of the opening. A metal hand, covered in a layer of thin ice, shot out and covered her own. The soldiers behind her had their weapons up in less than a second, but a raised hand and a warning from her caused them to retreat.

Vivid, periwinkle eyes stared at her in confusion, emptiness and a hint of recognition. She smiled at him as he pulled himself out of the capsule, scanning his surroundings with awareness. His eyes landed on her, and some form of relief came over him.

"Please, I insist that you step away from him." One of the guards almost growled. She shot him a menacing glare before turning her attention back to the man before her.

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