spiderman to the rescue | peter parker

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Pairing: Peter x Stark!Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 1,217

Type: Comedic

Warnings: None, not proof-read

Requested by cola_girl0x 

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The whole tower was silent as you quietly slip through the doors. You kept yourself in the shadows while you scanned the room, looking for any signs of life. When you didn't detect any, you let out a relieved sigh and quickly made your way across the room.

You made it to the elevator relatively easily, surprising even yourself. You didn't think you could walk properly with the room slightly spinning but you managed without tripping over your heels. While waiting to get to your floor, you used the stainless steel to straightened yourself. You fixed your unruly [H/C] hair and wiped the make-up off your face to the best of your ability. Before the long awaited 'ding', you straightened your dress and gently slapped your hands on your cheeks to remind yourself to stay awake, at least until you make it to the bedroom.

When the elevator doors finally opened, you poked your head out to check the hallway and walked out when you didn't see anyone. Your room was just down the hall.

A smile made it's way onto your face as you realized you made it. You actually managed to slip pass everyone--

"Miss Stark, welcome home," F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced loudly, causing you to wince at the change of volume. Her voice instantly gave you a slight headache.

Her announcement alerted the floor and soon you saw the Avengers approaching you, including your dad. You paled and your mind raced to form explanations of your appearance, state of mind and whereabouts.

They cannot find out you were clubbing with your friends.

"[F/N], what... where were you?" Tony demanded, his brows furrowing in concern, "why are you home so late?"

"I told you, I was at a friend's," you answered, consciously watching the way you speak.

"Dressed in that?" Natasha questioned with raised eyebrows. Your cheeks flushed red and you stammered an excuse.

"I-It was a dare!"

"Clear it was," she smirked.

Steve gave you a disapproving look. "[F/N], you smell like alcohol."

You shrugged and said, "we... had a few... drinks..."

"You're underaged," countered your dad, clearly disappointed in you, "honestly [F/N], I thought you were better than this."

You sighed, knowing you were going to get a punishment. However, you sitll had one more trick up your sleeve. It was a stretch but your hazy mind was about ready to try anything.

"I'm sorry dad," you mumbled, "truth is... I just wanted to be like you, you know? You're my role model so I guess I was trying to imitate your luxurious lifestyle..."

Tony's eyes widened so much it almost popped out of their sockets. The others directed their glare to your dad, releasing you from the grip of guilt... for now.

Clint was the first to speak up. "So your reputation finally caught up huh."

"What? How is this my fault?!" your dad tried to defend himself, "she was fine up until tonight!"

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