trust | tony stark

13.4K 362 117

Pairing: Tony x Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 1,161

Type: Sad

Warnings: Beware of feels (sorry)

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Trust was a difficult value to obtain, and it only takes a blink of an eye to obliterate.

Every person who you gave your trust to held it in their hands, displaying it in all its glory for the world to see. They are the ones that are keeping it from dropping and shattering into a million jagged pieces. The beauty about trust is once you give it to someone, it's their choice whether to break it of not. It's a question of 'should I hold on or should I drop it?'

That's why you chose who you gave your trust to carefully. It take years of dedication and perseverance to earn your trust. You didn't believe in trusting someone with just a snap of a finger. You needed to see them from all angles, inside and out.

You never imagined you would give your trust to a playboy, let alone Tony Stark.

The very first day you met him, you despised his sorry ass. Nothing clicked about him, he didn't seem like someone special or someone you would associate yourself with. He seemed like an arrogant, selfish, delusional asshole who you take pleasure in avoiding. Unfortunately, since you were part of the Avengers you were stuck with him.

Every single day of your life after he stepped in it he'd flirt with you. He jumps on every chance possible, commenting on the way you look, to the things he wants to do to you, or the things he wanted you to do to him. It was silly really, and most of the time you found it disgusting.

But after he saved you from certain death one mission and never left your side when you were bedridden, you began to trust him.

It started off slow, like a leaked faucet. The water dripped slowly, but endlessly. He gained your trust bit by bit, and in doing so he also, miraculously, stole your poor heart.

The very peculiar aspect about him was that no matter how many times you rejected him, his determination to... Well, get laid, never faltered. He always came back like a lost puppy, looking at you with those puppy eyes and that irresistible smirk of his as he made another sexual innuendo.

Soon, you slowly started to accept his flirting, and even returned it. The brightened look on his face was priceless.

And so, Tony Stark was given your trust the day he asked you out, and you accepted.

You discovered that he was an absolute sweetheart, though he found it hard to break away from his old habits. That troubled you, but you saw he was trying, for you.

You had faith in him, had faith that he wouldn't hurt you.

Oh how wrong you were.

Pepper Potts.

She had been the most important person in Tony's life before their relationship disastrously ended when he accidentally hurt her in his sleep. You thought Tony had moved on, but every time Pepper was in the room, Tony would gaze longingly at her. It was a look you knew all too well, a look that your father sent your mother, only your mother.

It was a look of absolute admiration and love, and it wasn't directed towards you.

You realised that Tony hadn't moved on. He would never move on from Pepper, the love of his life. She was his everything and he broke it off to protect her. He never stopped loving her. He did it because he loved her.

So what does that make you then?

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"[Y/N], have you seen Tony?" Asked Bruce as you walked into the lab. You shook your head.

"Actually, I was going to ask you the same thing." You stated.

"Oh... Well, if you see him, tell him his computer suddenly blew up." Bruce said.

"What?!" You exclaimed, "he'll throw a tantrum."

"Let me enjoy the peace while it last." Bruce mumbled, smiling sheepishly. Bruce was like a brother to you. You've known him since you were young, and stayed by his side even after the Hulk incident. The two of you were inseparable.

You exited the lab after a few more exchanges with Bruce, wondering where on Earth Tony could possibly be. You turned the corner, and that's when you saw it.

Tony kissing Pepper.

It felt as if your whole world broke into a million pieces. There was a strange ringing in your ear, as if a bomb exploded. Tears clouded your vision as you watch her wrap her arms around him, and Tony returned her embrace by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

You shook your head and backed away. You refused to cry. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction, he didn't deserve it.

Unfortunately for you, Tony saw you in the corner of his eyes and instantly broke away. He and Pepper turned to you and Pepper gasped, horror setting onto her face.

"[Y/N]-" Tony started, reaching out to you. He wore an expression of guilt and regret on his face.

"No, save it." You hissed, spinning around and walking back.

"Wait, let me explain!" Tony cried desperately, grabbing your arm. You turned back to him and ripped your arm off his grip.

"Explain? What is there to explain Tony?!" You demanded, the anger finally setting in. You've never seen Tony look so broken, not since he broke up with Pepper.

"I... I didn't mean to-"

"Kiss her? Tony you meant it, you just didn't mean to get caught! Y-You went behind my back and... And had the guts to do something like this! I thought you were better than that!"

"I'm sorry [Y/N], I love you, believe me I do!" Tony exclaimed, "I know you're angry but this was just... It just happened! I love you, I've moved on and-"

"Just stop, okay?! Just stop!" You yelled angrily, tears of betrayal and frustration flowing down your cheeks much to your dismay, "you lied to me! You hear me Tony, you LIED TO ME! I understand that you love her, and I knew that you've always loved her! I never had your heart, you've always belonged to her, and I would've accepted that explanation if you broke it off with me. I would've understood! But no, you had to go behind my back, and kiss her!"

"[Y/N] please-"

"You led me on!" You continued, "you made me believe that I was special, that maybe I had a chance! You made me think that maybe, just maybe we could have it all but you destroyed it all. You had to ruin it didn't you? I thought you've changed Tony, but some things never change. You're still a lying, cheating bastard."

You turned around and continued walking away, wiping your tears off your face. You saw the hope fade away from Tony's eyes once you finished, but you didn't care. He held onto your trust, but he let it go and it was broken beyond repair.

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