too late | pietro maximoff

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Pairing: Pietro x Reader

Relationship: Doctor and patient/Friendship/Romantic

Word Count: 681

Type: Sad

Warnings: Beware of feels

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Pietro liked to live life fast. It wasn't in his nature to go slow, he just naturally go fast. 

So when he sustained a fatal injury to his legs he was devastated. His mood only grew worse once they told him he may not be able to walk or run properly again unless he attended therapy sessions with a physiotherapist.

He was in denial, and he almost injured his leg permanently from trying to run when he still wasn't recovered, and that meant he had to work even harder in therapy.

When he was placed under your supervision, you weren't thrilled. You've heard of him and his power, and you've heard of how eager he was to run again. Impatient patients were always difficult to work with and you knew you had your work cut out for you.

When you first met him, he didn't leave behind a good impression. He was cocky, arrogant and flirted heavily with any female in his sight. He tried flirting with you but you weren't easily smitten by some player.

He was annoyed by you at first, but you didn't care. You were only there to do your job, which was to get him back on his feet... Without any injuries whatsoever. It took you a full week to finally get him to get with the program. He then commenced his actual training from there.

You were beside him every step of the way, encouraging him and urging him to push on and be patient. The two of you spent countless sessions together.

Soon, you developed feelings for the Sokovian. True he was irritating, a heavy flirt and extremely cocky, but he was, admittedly, attractive in many aspects and you knew that he meant well. He had a big heart and loved to see the positive side of life by living it like a child would.

After one month of perseverance Pietro had almost recovered and he knew it, but you told him anything rash could injure him for good. You thought he'd understand that if he went against your instructions he'd be back to square one.

He didn't.

He ran, like he used to, claiming his recovery was complete. You were furious when you found out.

"Pietro! Stop this, you're going to get yourself hurt!" You scolded over the Bluetooth earpiece you were using.

"I von't!" Pietro shouted from the other side of the line, "vhy don't you see zhat I am perfectly fine!" He growled.

"Because you're not. Please, just stop and listen to me! You're not ready!" You reasoned, stopping in front of a red light. You were currently heading towards the recovery centre.

"I am!" Pietro snapped, "you von't know how it feels, to not run! You only sit around filling in papervork all day! You're not my mozher, you don't decide vhat is best for me!"


"No! I don't vant to hear from you again!"

And with that, the call ended. You sighed angrily, gripping the wheel harder and stepping on the pedal once the light turned green. You couldn't understand why he was being so stubborn.

After all the progress you've made with him you thought you could get to him but you were gravely mistaken.

A honk pulled you back to reality, and as you turned your head the last thing you saw were two blinding lights before unbearable pain erupted through your body.



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Pietro sat in his room, which was completely trashed. Broken chairs, cabinets and drawers littered the floor. Glass, clothes, bedsheets, everything was ripped apart.

Tears streamed down his worn-out face and he wished you were there to comfort him.

But you weren't.

You were dead.

He hit his head against the wall when he remembered what he had last said to you, and he wished desperately to go back in time and undo it all.

But he couldn't.

He couldn't save you, he couldn't spend more time with you, he couldn't tell you that he had loved you from the moment he first laid eyes on you.

He was too late.

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I'm sorry, this is really short and I was really lazy.

Please forgive me!

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