the woman who was found pt. 1 | avengers

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Pairing: None

Relationship: Companionship(?)... friendship I guess

Word Count: 1,536

Type: ???

Warnings: Language

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She's merely a legend, a myth, a story passed down from generation to generation.

Some call her a guardian angel, others call her the devil, some even claim that she is a god, a deity to worship. She had walked the Earth longer than any other being, and it seemed as if she would continue to do so, no matter who its inhabitants were.

She represented many things. She was hope, she was freedom, she was a gift to humanity, yet she was also death, despair and chaos.

However, to the heroes who claimed to be the protectors of the Earth, she was a mystery that demanded to be solved.

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The Canadian wilderness was peaceful and serene. It was a paradise for all sorts of animals and those who didn't quite fit in this world.

That peace was disrupted, however, by a familiar group of heroes.

"Are you sure our target is here?" Sam questioned for the twentieth time.

"That's what Fury told us, and you know that guy knows everything." Steve responded quietly, "now keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

"Like that?" Bucky asked, pointing at a log cottage situated beside a large tree.

"Like that." Steve muttered, motioning the two men he was with to approach the home carefully. All of them were tense and had their guard up.

They approach the cottage quietly and entered it after scanning the area for any threats. The small, yet comfortable building, seemed empty. They checked all the rooms but found nothing at all.

"You think whoever lives here is out?" Sam asked after they met back in the main room.

"No, she isn't." a new, alluring voice answered the question, startling the three soldiers. They snapped their head towards the direction of the noise and raised their guns - or shield - immediately.

Sitting on a large armchair was a woman, with [H/L], [H/C] hair, fair skin and the most exquisite eyes they'd ever seen. It was as if she had the entire universe trapped inside her eyes, it was simply stunning.

The woman's lips curled into a smile as her magnificent eyes traveled from one male to another

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The woman's lips curled into a smile as her magnificent eyes traveled from one male to another. They were all cautious, most likely because she was their target.

"May I ask you why you've trespassed into my abode?" she inquired, "does your nation not have laws against such crimes?"

"We're on a mission." Steve said carefully, signaling the others to lower their guns.

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