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As you know, I haven't updated AT ALL and I am SO SORRY for that. I can blame it on school, and work and how hectic my life has been these past few months but to be honest with you, I also lost the inspiration to write for Marvel right now. 

I don't know, but I'm just taking a break from writing for Marvel right now and exploring other fandoms. I just lost the inspiration for Marvel and I don't want to give you any half-assed work because you all deserve better than that.

Again, I am really sorry about this. I understand if you're mad and all that, really I am. I feel like I've been doing nothing but betraying you all and letting you guys down. I didn't even celebrate my 50K Views which you guys helped achieve. You all mean so much to me and it hurts me that I've disappointed and let you guys down. I feel like I've let Marvel down as well.

So... I guess then requests are closed for now. I'm entering a hiatus, and I'll be writing fanfictions and reader inserts for other fandoms. I have to admit that right now I am writing DC fanfictions... and you can understand why I feel like such a traitor. Feel free to hate me.

Though it's only the Batfamily (can you guys blame me this family is absolutely precious and must be protected at all costs)

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Though it's only the Batfamily (can you guys blame me this family is absolutely precious and must be protected at all costs)

If you guys want, I can do a mini-crossover series, though the reader will probably be romantically interested with a DC character and be family to the Avengers

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If you guys want, I can do a mini-crossover series, though the reader will probably be romantically interested with a DC character and be family to the Avengers.

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