regret | loki laufeyson

22K 630 327

Pairing: Loki x Reader

Relationship: Friendship/Romantic

Word Count: 1,710

Type: Sad

Warnings: Beware of feels

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A [H/C] female sat in the garden beneath a tree that shielded her from the sun's rays. Her attention was solely on the book that was in her hand, her [E/C] orbs taking in the words from the pages. That person was you, [Y/N] [L/N]. Beside you, a raven-haired male paralleled your actions.

To the ordinary, the two of you would seem detached but in reality, it was quite the opposite. You two were close enough to understand that the other was comfortable with the peace and quiet.

"[Y/N], what do you think of me?" The raven-haired man, who was no other than the young prince of Asgard, Loki, inquired to the woman next to him. Your eyes lifted from the book, but you didn't seem to mind.

"Why would you ask such a question?" You responded.

He shrugged, trying not to sound too interested. But you knew him far too well.

"What happened?" You interrogated, your brows furrowing. You saw conflict in those green eyes you were so fond of.

"... There have been rumours among the nobles." He began slowly, his voice growing quiet.

"Oh Loki... You should know better than to believe such lies." You cooed, cupping his gorgeous face, "you are the person dearest to my heart, you have always been and you always will be. In my eyes you are not only our rightful king, but you are also my most treasured friend."

He closed his eyes, enjoying your touch. He had a serene look on his face, one that greatly contrasted what everyone else thought he was like.

"What would I do without you [Y/N]?" He sighed, reaching out and planting a kiss on your forehead.

"Do not say such words, for I will never leave your side." You took his hand and rested your head on his shoulder.

Everyone always thought you and Loki were involved in something more than friendship, it seemed that way. You've been inseparable even as youngsters, and you grew up together and did everything together. However, it wasn't true. Sure you have feelings for the young prince but you were quite sure he sees you as nothing more than a friend, a sister even. You were his best and only friend, you do not wish to ruin it by unnecessary complications.

The two of you were at peace. Your relationship and activities with Loki contrasted Loki's brother, Thor, and his friends. Though Lady Sif was more elegant and refined, the Warrior Three know no manners. They were barbaric, loud and violent; features which you highly dislike. As for Thor, you and him get along very well. He too was a friend of yours since you were young.

"I wish this calm could last." You spoke.

"And why might you wish that? We don't have to leave." Loki stated. You lifted your head and sent him an angry pout.

"Loki, you know we must attend the ball tonight. Your parents would be upset and disappointed if we were absent." You scolded.

He sighed, as if he knew you would say that.

"Very well, but the ball is hours away. Let's enjoy this while we can."

You grinned, letting your head fall onto his shoulders once more.

But little did you know this would be the last time you and Loki spent a proper moment together.

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