sacrifice | thor odinson

15.8K 512 215

Pairing: Thor x Reader

Relationship: Friendship/One-Sided

Word Count: 1,950

Type: Sad

Warnings: Beware of feels

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She, who was but a mere Migardian, had infuriated the mighty God of Thunder, Thor.

Smart, intellectual with strong determination and not to mention beautiful, she wasn't at all what the people of Asgard expected. They thought he would've chosen a warrior, a fighter like Lady Sif, or perhaps even Lady [Y/N].

Yet his loving gaze was always on Jane Foster, the Migardian scientist who had came to his aid when he was in Migard.

[Y/N], Thor's best friend, watched the Migardian with interest and envy. What sorcery did she possess to capture the heart of the Asgardian prince? What was so significant about her? The young and gorgeous [Y/N] didn't know, nor will she ever know.

No, her dislike for Jane Foster wasn't from her attraction towards Thor, it was the fact that the presence of Jane distracted the young prince greatly. How was he suppose to train and tone himself for future battles when all he did was stare with lovestruck eyes at the young maiden? And Thor never spent time with his Asgardian friends anymore! He was too occupied with Jane.

It drove [Y/N] crazy. She wanted to pull her [H/C] hair from her scalp, but she kept her demeanour calm and reserved.

Jane was no better. The woman was insufferably annoying. She was loud, disrespectful, rebellious and touched and asked about every single thing in her line of sight. Curiosity is always an important and great trait to have but too much of it would turn you into an intolerant sack of blood, such as Jane.

She cared not for Thor's duties but only for his love and attention. She followed him like a lost puppy. Where Thor was, she was, dressed in the finest gowns Thor had generously provided her. Queen Frigga seem to not mind her ill-mannered behaviours and though the Allfather wasn't impressed by the woman he only criticised her minimally as the kind queen disliked his tendency to look down upon inferior beings.

No one dared to insult the woman though many would love to as it would anger Thor and no one desired to anger the almighty Thor. [Y/N] kept her opinions to herself but of course she was sure Jane knew of her great dislike. Jane may be irritating but she certainly wasn't an idiot, [Y/N] would give her that much.

She spent some time with Thor and Jane but she was simply being what Migardians called a 'third wheel'. They openly display their affections and [Y/N] was never a huge fan of public displays of affection. She had always been a stern, hardhearted warrior who refused to show her emotions. She believed it was a weakness and she had no room for weaknesses.

On more than several occasions she was forced to spend time alone with Jane and the atmosphere was awkward during those moments to say the least. The tension was so thick it could easily be cut with a knife, a dull knife. Bonding with Jane was just a something [Y/N] cannot do, no matter how hard she tried. She accepted the fact and she expected Thor would come to those terms as well.

She was, after all, his best friend since childhood. They've known each other for centuries. They played together, trained together and fought together. [Y/N]'s father was one of Odin's most loyal warriors before he was killed in battle. Her mother died of childbirth, she had nowhere to go so Odin and Frigga gave her a place to stay in the palace meaning they saw each other almost every day. She was his regular sparring partner. She sometimes even matched Sif in combat, but while Sif was considered stronger [Y/N] was a far more talented strategist.

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