missing home | team captain america

12.4K 273 26

Pairing: None

Relationship: Friendship

Word Count: 1,479

Type: Sad-ish

Warnings: Spoilers from Captain America: Civil War, kind of depressing?

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You stared at the stormy waters as the Quinjet left the Raft Prison with Clint, Sam, Scott and Wanda. This was it; you were officially a criminal. Now both the CIA and HYDRA were out to get you and Steve,  and most of all Bucky.

Everyone was minding their own business. Wanda was staring off into space, though she seemed glad to be out of the prison, and the straitjacket. Seeing someone as young as her being locked up like she was some sort of alien freak made you want to puke. How the government could do such a thing to Wanda made you dislike them even more.

Clint, Sam and Scott were chatting cheerfully, seemingly also relieved to be free again - well, as free as a 'criminal' could be in this world. Their time in prison didn't seem to affect their sense of humour at all, much to your amusement. In these harsh times, you appreciated how optimistic they could be. It was a nice change from the icy demeanour Bucky wore all the time.

"Everyone rest up. It's a long way to Wakanda." Steve stated to the group, earning him a chorus of groans from the males.

A weight sunk into your stomach.


You've been there for several missions before, but those were only brief visits. You couldn't imagine spending more than a month there, and now that you were on the run who knows how long you'd be living there, in a foreign land with strange traditions, surrounded by a race you barely knew and living under the protection of a man that tried to kill you on more than several occasions.

The very thought terrified you. You had travelled to many countries during your time as an agent and as an Avenger, but you lived in Brooklyn all your life. You've never known any other home. Even when the Avengers had relocated you never really stayed there.

You wondered how you'd cope with such a huge change. Sure you had your friends with you, but it wouldn't be the same.

It would never be the same.

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Wakanda was a peaceful country. The folks were friendly and joyful, unaware of the storm brewing around them. They adored their great king and leader, T'Challa. Though they mourn for the loss of their former king and T'Challa's father, T'Chaka, in their culture death was not the end, so their spirits remained high. You admired their courage and way of life. You wished you could be as strong as they were.

It had been a month since you had moved to Wakanda. You stayed in T'Challa's luxurious residence, hiding yourself from the world. Bucky had long since gone into cryogenic sleep until everything HYDRA had done to him could be erased. Sam and Steve was working closely with T'Challa to bring down any traces of HYDRA while Clint had gone back to his family in America. Wanda often visited the city, while Scott returned to America and went into hiding, which he knew how to do excellently given his criminal background. You, however, were unable to return home. New York City was a closely monitored area, and you just couldn't imagine yourself living elsewhere in America. Scott and Clint offered, but you politely declined.

However, you were unable to really help anyone, nor were you able to really enjoy Wakanda like Wanda was. Every time you looked out of the window part of you hoped it would be your old neighbourhood in Brooklyn. When you opened the door to your suite you hoped the kind old lady next door would greet you with that wrinkled but bright smile of hers. Instead, you were greeted with the harsh reality.

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