song fic. we don't talk anymore | tony stark

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Pairing: Tony x Reader

Relationship: Post-breakup

Word Count: 1226 words

Type: Sad

Warnings: You guess :)

RIP you Tony fangirls.

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I just heard you found the one, you've been looking
You've been looking for
I wish I would have known that wasn't me

Tony Stark caught sight of your silky, [H/C] hair and he couldn't help but avert his gaze from his current 'lover' to scan the crowd for you. His eyes searched the mass of people that attended the formal party, hoping to get a glimpse of you.

And when he did, he swore his heart stopped. You were still as beautiful as the day he first met you, the day he first said he loved you... and the day he let you go. You greeted all your friends and closest companions, but you made no attempts to move any closer to him.

A scowl appeared on his face when he saw the man who held you closely to his side. You smiled at that man like he was his whole world, and he probably was.

Cause even after all this time
I still wonder
Why I can't move on
Just the way you did so easily

You seemed so happy now, so happy that Tony wondered if the entire relationship he had with you was nothing but a mere dream. It seemed like it; one day you were in his arms and the next the two of you were throwing insults and accusations at each other.

Even when he acted like he didn't care, he still did. He still couldn't move on from you, like you seemed to do so easily. You hung onto your new lover like he was your salvation.

Don't wanna know
Kind of dress you're wearing tonight
If he's holdin' onto you so tight
The way I did before

That red dress you wore hugged your body perfectly and Tony yearned for nothing more than to be able to run his hands along the sides of your torso while he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. He wanted to be the one who was wrapping his arm around you, claiming you as his, like he did before.

I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame

He wanted to be able to love you again but he lost that chance the day he allowed you to walk out of his life.

Now he could only watch longingly from afar, wishing that he could turn back time to smack himself for being such an idiot, for mistreating you and not showering you with love like he should have. You deserved that and so much more, but now he couldn't do that to you.

I just hope you're lying next to somebody
Who knows how to love you like me
There must be a good reason that you're gone

Relationships and Tony Stark; a paradoxical combination. These two things simply wouldn't work and you sadly experienced it firsthand. He had his moments... a lot of them... and they were sweet and... but he was also cocky, too engrossed with his damn suits and he didn't even make an effort to stop flirting with all the women in a five-metre radius.

However, even though you hate him - well, you believe you did - you also wished him the best. You did love this man, and you hoped that someday he would find someone who would make him stop being such an asshole.

Every now and then I think you might want me to
Come show up at your door
But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong

On some nights, you lay wondering if he missed you. You certainly missed him, more than you should. After all, you broke it off with him. Yet you still missed him and his face, his touch, his kisses and his compliments, as perverted as they could be.

Sure you found someone else now, but there was no denying that the man who had his arm wrapped around you was a rebound and nothing more. He made you feel loved again, but that's all to it. You didn't really return his feelings.

Tony, however...

Don't wanna know
If you're looking into her eyes
If she's holdin' onto you so tight the way I did before

You found Tony on the opposite side of the room with a sea of people acting as a border between you and him. He had his arm linked with a beautiful woman, even more beautiful than you. His new lover, you assumed.

You wondered how was he like to her? Was he kind and caring? Did he compliment her and kiss her every chance he got? Did he love her enough to stray from his old ways?

I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame

You shook your head and willed yourself to stop thinking about your ex. He was a jerk and a horrible boyfriend. You had someone new. You moved on.

Yet if you had moved on like you said you did, why was he plastered in your mind? Why did you have to remind yourself every damn second of your life that he was meaningless to you now?

That we don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do

As the party went on, you lost track of time and Tony. You pushed him to the back of your mind and enjoyed the party instead. You wouldn't allow him to ruin your life any further than he already had.

It was when you heard his voice did you realize that he was right behind you. You stiffened instantly and held your new boyfriend tighter. You couldn't face him.

Ever since the breakup, the two of you never uttered a single word to each other and you preferred for it to stay that way. You wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Thankfully, your boyfriend spotted some of his friends on the other side of the room.

As you headed towards them, you walked right past Tony and his lover.

You didn't even glance at him.

Nor did he glance at you.

We don't love anymore
What was all of it for?
Oh, we don't talk anymore
Like we used to do

Tony lost track of you after his new girlfriend, his rebound, paraded him around, showing him off to her friends. Apparently, she was incredibly proud to have the Tony Stark as her boyfriend.

He smiled and managed to come up with some things to say to all of them, but his heart wasn't really in it. It was when he heard your voice did he finally manage to pay attention. Instinctively, he turned around and looked for you. He instantly recognised your backside and your poor excuse of a boyfriend.

When you turned around, he forced himself to look straight ahead, to not look at you in the eye because he knew you wouldn't want that. And even when it killed him to stay still, to not even glance at you and memorise every inch of your gorgeous face, he did.

He did it for you.

He allowed his hopes and spirit to be crushed and stepped on as you passed him without a single glance, for you.

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