the woman who was cursed pt. 3 | wanda maximoff

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Pairing: Wanda x Reader

Relationship: Friendship

Word Count: 885 words

Type: Sad

Warnings: None

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It was the manifestation of chaos.

[Y/N] couldn't believe her eyes. The darkness and grief and resentment she sensed was almost overwhelming. The fabric of space began to crumble, people disintegrated into nothing but mere dust, solid objects melted and the sky and Earth met, combining as one.

Reality was changing.

"It's Wanda!" [Y/N] exclaimed, keeping the area around her and the Avengers from falling apart, "she's the one doing this!"

"What?" Natasha exclaimed, "she would never do that!"

[Y/N] focused her mind on the city of Istanbul, where Wanda, Pietro and Clint were sent on a mission earlier this morning. She could clearly sense Wanda, and, in the hurricane of magical powers, Clint, but somehow... somehow, Pietro was nowhere to be found.

And then it clicked.

"Oh god..." [Y/N] murmured, "Pietro, he's dead. That must be the cause of Wanda's outrage."

An order to suit up was issued, and once everyone was ready, [Y/N] transported them to Wanda's location.

There, the team was greeted with a literal tornado of darkness that was so powerful it tore the fabric of the universe. Wanda stood at the centre of it all, the body of her twin brother at her feet. She was screaming and crying as she continued to glow increasingly red. Clint stood his ground not too far from her.

"Clint!" Natasha yelled, "what happened?!"

"Pietro, he-he saved me." Clint uttered, "but the kid didn't make it. She's going crazy [Y/N], I don't know how we're going to calm her down."

[Y/N] stepped towards Wanda and raised her hand, focusing all her energy towards Wanda to counter her abilities. A burning sensation ran through her body as she began to reshape reality back to the way it was. It required immense energy and concentration, but she managed to do it.

As soon as she completed the task, she put Wanda to sleep. The body of the young girl fell forward, and [Y/N] caught her before she hit the ground. She eyed the body of the slightly older Maximoff sadly and sighed. She knew that if Wanda wasn't consoled, it would be disastrous when the younger Maximoff woke up.

"I'll talk to her." [Y/N] decided, turning to the others, "make sure everything here remains undisturbed until I'm done."

"What are you going to do?" Clint questioned worryingly.

"I'm about to enter her mind." [Y/N] explained, "it will be much easier to establish an emotional connection that way."

"Can you do that?" Steve asked, surprised.

[Y/N] smile lazily, "anything is possible Steve."

And with that, she focused on Wanda and allowed her consciousness to leave her body and travel into Wanda's mind.

As expected, Wanda's mind was dark, filled with cracks and hatred and fear and despair. It was almost overwhelming, and Wanda sat in the middle of it all, as her world slowly deteriorated into nothingness.

[Y/N] placed a hand on Wanda's shoulder and sat down. She didn't say anything, she simply sat there for Wanda. She lived long enough to understand when someone just needed a friend. Wanda didn't want to say anything, she didn't want any sweet, soothing words. She just wanted someone with her.

After a while, [Y/N] said, "I won't apologise for our loss, because those words have no power to bring him back. I will, however, apologise for being unable to save him."

"It vasn't your fault. It vasn't anybody's fault, he chose his path." Wanda admitted sadly.

"But it hurts, doesn't it?" [Y/N] whispered.

"It hurts so much." Wanda cried, her voice cracking, "he vas alvays zhere for me, and now he's gone. I have no one."

"That's not true." [Y/N] protested, "you have the Avengers, you have your friends, new families you made here... you have me." [Y/N] smiled sweetly at Wanda.

"I cannot live without him." Wanda shook her head, rejecting [Y/N]'s help, "HYDRA, the war... everyzhing... I cannot do it any more."

"Do you think your brother would want you to be like this?" [Y/N] questioned sternly, "do you think he would want you to give up?" Wanda remained silent. "He wouldn't. He believes in you, Wanda. He believes in your strength, he believes that you are powerful enough. That is why he had enough strength to sacrifice himself for Clint. He believes that you can make it through, don't prove him wrong."


[Y/N] placed a hand on Wanda's chest. "Your brother still lives in here, in your heart. He watches over you, over all of us, and ensures that no harm will fall upon us. He is still alive, with all of us, living within our hearts."

Wanda nodded slowly, coming to the realisation that she couldn't remain like this forever. An expression of determination made its way onto her face.

[Y/N] smiled proudly and released Wanda from the sleep-state she was in. Her consciousness drifted back to her own body, and as she opened her eyes, she expected to see the damaged yet destructively beautiful world she chose to reside in, with the face of her smiling friends to greet her.

Instead, she was faced with darkness, and horror.

And an entity that was worst than the devil himself.

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