mistake | bucky barnes

23.9K 581 880

Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 2,677

Type: Sad

Warnings: Beware of feels

This is a one-shot for Becky--Dixon thank you for requesting and sorry it took so long!

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You fidgeted with your necklace, the one you got for your birthday from your boyfriend, Bucky. This cannot be happening.

The front door to your shared apartment opened, startling you in your tensed state.

"Doll, I'm home!" Bucky announced. You took a deep breath and went to greet him, your hands unconsciously coming up to your stomach.

"Welcome home Bucky." You smiled, wrapping your arms around Bucky's neck and giving him a passionate kiss. It was almost desperate and very unlike you, and it certainly caught Bucky by surprise.

"Hey... Is something wrong?" He asked gently, cupping your face. You took another deep breath and stepped away from him.

"I... I need to tell you something." You uttered. You balled your hands to stop them from trembling.

"W-What is it?" Asked Bucky, sounding worried. He knew you too well, he knew something was awfully wrong.

"I'm... I'm pregnant." You announced breathlessly. You watched him for his reaction, and he didn't fail to react at all.

After one minute of just standing, malfunctioning, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped open. Fear crept into his eyes.

You knew it.

"Are... Are you serious [Y/N]?" Bucky questioned, edging away from you slowly, hoping you wouldn't notice but you did. And you were hurt, badly.

"Yes, I am." You said firmly yet sadly. "And he or she is yours."

"[Y/N]... You know I can't be a father..." Bucky murmured, rubbing his metal arm.

"And why not?" You demanded, tears stinging your eyes.

"A baby is too fragile, I may hurt it! You know me, sometimes I can't control myself!" He reasoned.

"Bucky you have to! I'm pregnant with your baby and abortion is not an option!" You exclaimed. You were breathing heavily now, but you weren't really angry. You were just hurt, hurt that Bucky was running away again and not accepting the responsibility. You two have been together for three years now, surely he'd be ready!

"I-I can't! [Y/N], understand that I'm an assassin. I can't be a father." He stated, "besides, with the missions I'm involved in I won't be home to look after it!"

"That's a pathetic excuse! If you loved the baby-" you started, but then you stopped.

That's when you realised it.

"You... You don't want the baby at all do you?" You whispered, the tears finally escaping and cascading down your face.

"I..." He trailed off, refusing to look at you, "I have to go." He uttered, rushing out the door, but you stopped him before he could get any further.

"James Buchanan Barnes, don't you dare." You growled, glaring daggers at him, "You... You're not walking out on me."

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