scares | bucky barnes

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Pairing: Bucky x reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 1,039

Type: Fluff

Warnings: Language

AU in which our favourite cinnamon role is a Neko (half cat)

Requested by Food_Sleep23

Sorry, it's a bit crappy because I'm not experienced with writing about a Neko, so I honestly had no idea what I'm doing.

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Halloween was a time of joy and bonding. It was an excuse to stuff yourself with candy, dress up and slack off. However, the true spirit of Halloween lies in the terror of it all.

The Avengers were going big this Halloween season. Everyone was in the mood, and the whole tower was decorated with cobwebs, jack-o-lanterns, skulls, bats, fake blood and more. With the help of Tony, some hallways even had smoke and green lighting.

You were helping Steve and Bucky put up the cobwebs, some of which have spiders on them. They were nasty little decorations, but what was Halloween without them? While Steve lifted you up so you could get the ceiling, your boyfriend Bucky had no problem reaching up at all.

You see, due to a... experiment-gone-wrong by Tony and Bruce, Bucky was gifted with cat ears and a gorgeous tail. He became more feline-like overall, purring and hissing and climbing all around the tower. Natasha threatened the science duo to fix him before he destroyed the whole tower, but you found his state more amusing than anything. At least he didn't have to worry about a costume this year.

You were moving some boxes and had placed it on the floor when suddenly you heard a hiss from Bucky.

"[Y/N]! My tail!" he exclaimed, pouting.

"Oh! Sorry!" you said, biting back a giggle as you shift the boxes. Bucky then held his tail soothingly, gently rubbing it as Natasha watched on with annoyance.

"You know, I might just consider moving." she muttered as she hung the bats.

"Aw, don't do that Nat!" you cried, "it's not Bucky's fault. Besides, he's adorable. Oh, did you know how easily we can distract him with yarn?"

"Wait what?"

"Look." you threw a ball of yarn at your boyfriend, and he immediately leaped for it, rolling and playing around with it until he was tangled in it. You fought hard not to laugh at him, but it was just too silly.

Natasha raised her eyebrows, also clearly amused. "Has anyone ever thought of filming that?"

"[Y/N]...." Bucky whined, "help me."

You couldn't hold the laughter in anymore as you walked up to him and began to untangle the yarn. Natasha mumbled something about 'finding Clint' before leaving.

"Talking about Clint, put some cobwebs in the vents Steve, you know how much that guy hangs out in there." said Bucky, "I would do it myself but... I'm a little tied up at the moment."

Steve surprisingly complied easily, eagerly putting cobwebs in the vents to get a laugh from scaring Clint. You guessed it's because of that prank Clint did on Steve a few days ago.

Eventually, you got Bucky untangled from the mess he got himself in - well, honestly you were to blame. When he got up, you scratched under his chin, earning a loving purr from him. You smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before heading off to put up more decorations.

Later that night, you were awoken by some shuffling on Bucky's side of the bed. You turned and saw Bucky sitting up, a hand covering his face. You sat up and placed a hand on his shoulder, silently reassuring him.

"What's wrong Buck?" you whispered.

"Nightmare." he responded quietly. You didn't pry on the subject, and instead insisted that he get a drink.

As the two of you headed to the kitchen, Bucky began to explain what got him so riled up. He told you about the nightmare, how he dreamed about being in HYDRA's grasp again and how he couldn't do anything as he was forced to kill you and Steve and the Avengers. He was so engrossed in the story that he didn't see the decorations Tony had put up earlier.

So when he saw the jack-o-lantern in the hallway, he screamed.

"Hey, hey Bucky, it's okay!" you exclaimed, calming him down. His instincts and reactions were heightened due to the accident, and he was also on edge due to his nightmare, so you didn't find this funny at all.

"S-Sorry, it's just-" he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming himself down.

"Let's just get to the kitchen, okay?" you said gently, smiling. Bucky nodded, staring at you with fondness as the two of you made your way to the kitchen, keeping an eye on the decorations as you did so.

You were in the kitchen for ten seconds, just ten seconds, when Steve came barging in, panic written on his face.

"I heard screaming," he said breathlessly, "what's wrong?!"

"Tony." you stated simply, "really, it's nothing Steve."

"It's not nothing, what did that guy do?" Steve frowned.

"It's just a scare-"

"Obviously not." Steve retaliated, glancing at Bucky's haunted face, "come on."

"Come on what?" you asked skeptically, following Steve with Bucky. Steve got a box of fake spiders and headed towards the direction of Tony's room.

"Steve, this is childish." you scolded. You were genuinely afraid you'd give Tony a heart attack.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., open the door." Steve ordered the A.I.

"Captain Rogers, I don't think-"

"You owe me J.A.R.V.I.S., remember?" Steve reminded, "now's the time to pay me back."

There was a pause, followed by the door to Tony's bedroom opening. You raised your eyebrows but said nothing as you watched Steve enter the bedroom and dump the box of fake spiders all over Tony's bed.

"You know he's not going to let this go, right?" Bucky questioned his best friend once they were far from Tony's bedroom.

"We got each other's backs, remember?" Steve stated, grinning.

You shook your head and said, "okay boys, enough fooling around for one night. Let's get back before someone catches us."

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The next morning, it wasn't your alarm that woke you, but rather, a very loud, very girly scream that resonated through the walls of the tower.

You say up immediately and frowned, while Bucky just smirked victoriously and proudly at the work his best friend had done.

"I feel like this is going to start a war between us." you sighed, getting off the bed and heading to inspect the damage done.

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