song fic. photograph | bucky barnes

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Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 959

Type: Sad

Warnings: I'm sorry

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loving can hurt
loving can hurt sometimes
but it's the only thing that I know 

You knew he wasn't a perfect man. He had his flaws like every other human being, but that didn't stop you from loving him any less. The two of you were the perfect match, something that always go together no matter what. You knew him for as long as you could remember. The moment the two of you made eye contact you knew; he was the one. It was a love that was written in the stars.

When it gets hard
You know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

The two of you had your ups and downs. The two of you fought occasionally, like every other couple. Besides, light cannot exist without darkness. In fact, the darker the black, the more visible the white. However, no matter how many times you two fought, no matter how many horrible words were exchanged the two of you would always find a way back into each others' arms, as if the two of you were magnets. You could never stay mad at him, and he could never stay mad at you.

You trusted him with your life. You didn't need to get jealous - but you still did anyway - because you knew he was faithful, and he returned the favour. He knew you best, and you knew him best - well, you and another good friend of yours, Steve Rogers. However, even though you knew every trait about him, every flaw and talent he had, every little detail about his face and everything anyone could ever possibly know about him, you never got sick of him. Every time you looked into his periwinkle eyes, it was like the first time. He was like a drug and you were addicted.

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves

You shared so many memories with him, too many to count yet you remembered each and every one of them. You treasured them like they were made out of gold and the most precious gems on the face of Earth, because to you they were more precious than any treasure anyone could give to you. In fact, you could hardly recall a time where he wasn't by your side.

He was with you every step of the way; through your good times, through your bad times, through your most miserable and pathetic times. And you never left his side either. How could you leave him? He was yours, and you were his. It was as simple as that.

Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still 

The day he finally proposed to you, you were ecstatic. You laughed at the sigh of relief he released. How silly of he, to think you would reject him. Yes, the two of you were young and had your whole lives ahead of you, but none of you cared. One could say the two of you were irrational, but anyone could see that the two of you were madly in love. The undying flame that burned inside your and his heart blazed with magnificence, it was truly a beauty.

However, that happiness didn't last.

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans 

The war that raged on in Europe had finally entangled America in its deadly spiderweb. Young men were joining all over, and he was one of them. To say you were devastated was an understatement. He knew your hatred for war; your father fought in the Great War not so far back and he was scarred for life, he was never the same. Yet your fiance still signed up.

You were furious at him to say the least. You couldn't believe he would do such a thing, but he was dead set on fighting for your country, and you couldn't stop him.

Holdin' me closer
'Til our eyes meet 

The night before he was shipped away, the two of you laid in bed, relishing the warmth of each other, knowing it would be a very long time before you two could share such a moment again. You had cried that night, and your sobs broke his heart.

He promised. He promised to return to you. He promised he'll be back, then the two of you could finally wed and start a family, the family both of you had wanted since the beginning. It reassured you, and for that reason you were able to sleep through the horrendous night.

The next morning, before he left for good, you embraced him tightly, wishing the two of you would never break apart. He kept a photograph of you with him at all times. It served as a reminder of the promise he made you, the promise to return home. With one last kiss, he was gone, and you were left with his promise, his promise to return to you, to the loving arms of his fiance.

You won't ever be alone 

Holding onto his promise, you waited. Every single day, you waited for him. One day, Steve came to you and said the dreaded words; your fiancé had fallen off a HYDRA train into a chasm of bitter coldness and despair and was killed in action. The news shattered your fragile heart, but you refused to believe it. He promised. He will return home.

Wait for me to come home 

So you waited... and waited... and waited, without fail you waited for him. The years flew by in a blur, but the ring never left your finger, and you never stopped waiting.

But James Buchanan Barnes never returned home.

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