anxiety | tony stark

22.7K 615 175

Pairing: Tony x Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 990

Type: Fluff

Warnings: A bit of feels, anxiety attack

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You stirred awake from your much needed slumber, groaning in frustration as you do so. You hated waking up in the middle of the night, and waking up in general.

Sighing, you sat up, searching for the source of the disturbance of your sleep. You knew that you never woke up unless you were disturbed, so you were just about ready to give whoever or whatever it was that woke you a piece of your mind.

You felt movement beside you, and your head snapped towards the direction of the movement. You opened your mouth, about to throw your first wave of insults and profanities when you heard whimpering. Immediately, all the anger left your body and was replaced with concern.

"Tony... Tony babe, wake up." You cooed to your boyfriend, who was tossing and turning violently and whimpering. His face was full of pain and struggle, and it made your heart break.

"Come on babe, it's just a nightmare, come back to me honey." You said gently, stroking his face affectionately. When he didn't wake you resorted to more forceful methods.

"Tony... Tony come on!" You exclaimed, shaking him. You were growing frustrated.

Suddenly, you felt something cold and very strong grab hold of your arm and yank you back. You screamed and turned your head to see that one of Tony's many suits had gotten hold of you. In the past they've moved about on their own while Tony was having a nightmare, but they've never touched you before until now.

The suit tightened its grip around your arm, making you groan loudly.

"J.A.R.V.I.S. can you... Shut this suit... Down?" You breathed, trying not to scream. The pain was excruciating and it felt like your bones were being crushed.

"As you wish Ms (y/l/n)." Said the A.I., and moments later the suit went limp. You released a sigh of relief and pried the robot's hand off your arm, rubbing the forming bruise. Thank goodness J.A.R.V.I.S. had been programmed into all the suits or you wouldn't know what you'll do.

"Tony!" You called, hitting him in the head. That finally got him to wake up.

"[Y/N]!" Tony gasped, his eyes opening quickly. He shot up to a sitting position and quickly enveloped you into his arms, hugging you tightly.

"Tony-hey... Ow... Tony be careful-" You were trying to push him off since he was hurting the injured area. You knew something was seriously wrong with him since he was visibly shaking.

"Tony... What's wrong?" You asked softly, pushing away with some struggle. He shook his head and rubbed his temple.

"Another nightmare..." He mumbled.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked, but he shook his head. You sat down beside him and kissed his cheek.

"Okay, but you should go back to sleep, get some rest." You urged.

"What about you?" He questioned.

"I'll be with you soon." You said, getting up.

"Wait-" He grabbed hold of your wrist, "don't go."

You frowned, knowing this wasn't just any old nightmare. This had affected your boyfriend greatly.

"Okay, I won't." You smiled. Tony rubbed your arm and then noticed the bruise on your arm. His eyes stared at it alarmingly.


"One of your suits." You pointed towards the one that hurt you, "it grabbed me while I was trying to wake you up."

Tony looked horrified, and he started to shake and pant rapidly, making your heartbeat increase.

"Tony? Tony?!" You knew he was having one of his anxiety attacks. You wrapped your arms around him but he pushed you away.

"N-No don't come near me." He stammered.

"Tony... What's wrong? There's nothing to worried about here." You reasoned.

"Not for me but for you..." He stated, his voice cracking. His expression was so sad, so broken and so frightened that all  you wanted was to embrace him.

"Sir, your-"

"I KNOW J.A.R.V.I.S.!"

"Tony it's perfectly safe for me here, what on Earth are you talking about?" You demanded.

"My suits they'll... They'll hurt you just like... Like in..." He was gasping now, and you quickly put all the puzzle pieces together. You approached him carefully, slowly, as if he was a frightened animal.

"Tony sweetheart, accidents happen, I know they'll never hurt me badly, and you'll never hurt me intentionally." You cooed.

"L-Look what happened." He protested. His voice was laced with pain and fear.

"It was an accident, and it happened one time. Usually it never happens, usually I'm safe, as I always am with you." You countered, taking another step towards him. You raised your arm and reached out to him, but he was reluctant to accept your help.

"Tony look at me." You ordered. "Tony... Anthony Edward Stark, just look at me."

Slowly, Tony, who had been avoiding your gaze, turned to look at you.

"I'm fine here. I won't get hurt, because I know you'll never hurt me, ever. Stop worrying." You whispered, cupping his face.

"I..." Tony was at a loss of words.

"Besides, even if you push me away I ain't leaving." You added, smiling at him.

Tony eventually calmed down with your help. The two of you went back to bed as if nothing ever happened, probably because this was a regular occurrence. Although none of his suits had grabbed you before, he always had anxiety attacks about hurting you one day.

"[Y/N] what would I do without you?" Tony sighed, bringing you closer to his body. You chuckled and rested your head against his well-defined chest.

"Probably work on those damn suits all day and night that's what."

"Fair enough." He acknowledged.

You yawned, rubbing your eyes. You finally noticed how exhausted you were.

"You owe me, I lost precious sleep because of you." You pouted.

"I'll pull some strings so you don't have to go to work tomorrow and we could stay in bed late and cuddle all day, how does that sound?" Tony offered.

"You're forgiven."

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