home | clint barton

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Pairing: Clint x Reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 1,202

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

This one-shot is for Yavanna80  who sort of requested a fluffy fanfic to make up for the sad one so here it is

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You sat at home with your knees pressed against your chest. The silence in the house was something you were not used to.

You sighed and stared at the photo on the wall; a photo of you and your husband, Clint Barton. You felt a pang of pain hit your chest.

One year.

He had been gone for one entire year, whisked away on some mission you knew nothing about and honestly, you didn't want to know. Hearing about it would only make you worry, as if you weren't already worried enough. For all you know he could be dead, he hasn't contacted you, he claimed it was far too dangerous and could endanger both you and him.

A cry echoed through the hallways and into your bedroom, breaking the silence. A sigh left your cherry red lips. You got up and headed towards the room next door, where your four-month daughter was.

The beautiful baby girl was wailing and thrashing around in the crib, causing you to laugh. You picked her up and cradled her until she calmed down. She seemed so attached to you she always cried when you were gone for too long.

This, of course, meant you couldn't travel anywhere without her. You had to quit your job and started depending on the money in your and Clint's bank account, which he gave you access to. Thankfully, you had a high-paying job before and Clint had a ridiculously large amount of money being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and all, so you still had enough to survive. You knew you had to start scouting for a new job sooner or later though, but you couldn't bear to leave your baby girl.

Your eyes watered when you looked down at her peaceful face. She was truly Clint's daughter. She reached out for you with her tiny hand and grasped your long, nimble finger. She stared up at you, her large, sparkling eyes identical to her father's.

Your heart clenched at the thought of your dear husband. He had no idea he now has a daughter, he left before you knew. You couldn't tell him, he would freak out and want to come home, causing him to be reckless and possibly get himself killed.

You heard your phone rang and raced to get it. Glancing at the number, you frowned when you saw that it was unknown.

"Hello?" You greeted. You heard a contented sigh of relief from the other side of the line.


Your eyes widened in shock and you almost dropped your phone.

"C-Clint?! Clint is that you?" You exclaimed, your eyes glistening with tears.

"Yeah, it's me baby. God I miss your voice." He said breathlessly. You covered your mouth and shut your eyes tightly as tears spilled from your eyes.

"Oh Clint, I miss you so much." Your voice broke as you spoke. You couldn't help it.

"I miss you too [Y/N], I thought about you everyday. I can't stand being away from you for this long." Clint stated. You took in the sound of his voice. Although slightly altered by the phone it was still him.

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