who is he? | bucky barnes

12.4K 171 26

Pairing: None

Relationship: No reader

Word Count: 326

Type: Description

Warnings: None

I decided to try something different. This will be a description of Bucky, so when it says 'you' it actually means Bucky, not the reader. In fact, the reader isn't really in this at all.

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You were a porcelain doll in the eye of a hurricane of bloodshed and damnation; a beauty to be admired, to be observed from afar, but never to graze.

You were a survivor of an apocalypse, emerging from a mountain of despair and malevolence. A soldier, a warrior, a fighter.

Fragile, frail, a warning whispered to your handlers. The slightest touch wounded you. The smoothness of your skin, broken by the jagged cracks that mapped your body.

Unbreakable, that's what you were. Battle scars were badges of honour, fractures were mere lines forming intricate patterns on an empty canvas. Yes, you were damaged, but your stubbornness was an impenetrable shield, ensuring your soul was unobtainable, just as your will.

Your eyes, a hue of brilliant blue brighter than the clear waters of the tropics, was colder than winter itself. It was a snowstorm, an endless blizzard that froze the core. A window to your heart, it unveiled the shard of humanity you possessed, the piece you held on with a bleeding hand in desperation, the only spectre of your sanity, your identity, you.

On occasions rarer than a four-leaf clover, your eyes gleamed more vibrantly than the most valued sapphires, a glimmer of a seemingly ludicrous hope, a reminder that you were but a ghost, a shell of a man you saw as yourself.

Part of a prized collection, you remain, awaiting the day you were required once again, awaiting the day you were given purpose once again, awaiting the day you were of use once again. Programmed to obey, and only obey, you vacuously followed your despicable orders, for it was the only purpose of living to your vacant mind.

In the darkest corner of the void that replaced your mind, eclipsed by the curtain splitting two consciousness, screams echoed. You thrashed and fought and clawed the barrier that locked you from control.

Watching, powerless, as unidentified corpses piled up by your bloodstained hands.

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