not the same | vision

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Pairing: Vision x Reader

Relationship: Friendship/Subtle Romance

Word Count: 1,190

Type: Sad-sh/Fluff

Warnings: None really

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You watched the strange looking being move about in the tower, unable to hide the sadness residing in your heart. Your [E/C] eyes showed nothing but disappointment and misery. The other Avengers noticed, but none dared to question your mood, for you hated them sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

Only your brother had the courage to question why you were so upset, but even he couldn't get any information out of you.

"Come on [Y/N]." Your brother whined, making you roll your eyes.

"For fuck's sake Tony, shut your damn mouth." You snapped, glaring at your poor excuse of an older brother.

He almost flinched at your harsh words, but he was stubborn and persistent. He kept nagging and nagging you.

"[Y/N], I know you're hiding something. You can't fool us, we can help." He offered, making you scoff.

"You can help by shutting the hell up." You hissed, "if I wanted your help I would've asked for it. Now scram."

Tony opened his mouth to say something, but before he did a new voice interrupted the two of you.

"Mr Stark, I'm afraid your sister is highly distressed. I suggest you don't disturb her."

You stopped yourself from wincing at the familiar voice. You saw Vision's perplexing eyes staring back at you kindly, making you feel even worse. Tony, surprisingly, took Vision's advice and left you, but instead of thanking Vision, you simply glared at him and said,

"I didn't ask for you help."

And with that, you slipped off the stool and headed towards your room.

➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳

"Are you okay?"

You groaned audibly as you came face to face with Vision once again. He offered you a hand but you growled and slapped it away. You pushed yourself up and began to walk away, but before you could past the tall android he stopped you.

"I apologise for making you angry, I didn't watch where I was walking." He said humbly, making your eye twitch.

"You better be sorry." The words left your mouth before you could stop them and although the aftertaste was bitter, and you felt a pang of guilt, you swallowed it all away.

Vision, at first glance, seemed indifferent by your rudeness, but you could've sworn you saw hurt flash in his eyes for a split second before the kindness returned in his eyes. He apologised again but you dismissed him before he could finish.

➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳

Tony was at it again, questioning you on your strange behaviour when all you wanted to be was alone. Wasn't that too much to ask? Couldn't you grieve until you were ready to forget and move on?

You didn't have any reason to be angry for what happened was beyond anyone's control. Besides, if you had to blame someone it'd be your idiot brother but instead your anger was directed towards Vision. You couldn't help it, but you knew it wasn't his fault. He was just trying to help, and that made it worse. The fact that he was so calm, so caring, and so damn kind about everything despite your rudeness made the guilt in your chest spread.

Anger clouded your judgement before, but now you realised you were being childish for being furious at Vision. However, when the anger died down there was only sadness. You felt hollow, empty and devoid of any happiness. You just wanted to curl up into a ball and be left alone for eternity.

You avoided Vision at all costs, you avoided the lab and technology and the tower at all costs. You bought a new apartment and moved there, isolating yourself from the Avengers. Tony pleaded every single day for you to return and demanded a reasoning behind your sudden actions but you refused to give in. This was your business, not his.

You managed to stay in the apartment for a whole month before Tony finally had enough and practically dragged you to the tower. You would've protested, but since he used his Iron Man suit if you even dared to push him off you, it would be a very long way down for you.

When you arrived, you were bombarded with questions but you ignored everyone and hid in your former room. The pain slowly increased. It gripped your heart and slowly crushed it. You sat in the corner with your back to the wall, your knees pressed against your chest and your face hung low.

"Ms Stark?"


"Go away." You ordered, your voice strained.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot ignore this anymore. I cannot turn my back on someone in need." Vision protested.

"I don't want you here!" You yelled, covering your ears with your hands. "Just leave me!"

"I won't." He stated firmly. His defiance came as a surprise to you.

"I don't want your help." You whispered. You felt a hand on your shoulder.

"You don't want it, but you need it." Said Vision, his voice louder now that he was closer to you, "tell me, what has been bothering you for so long?"

You sighed in defeat, losing all your willpower to stay stubborn.

"It's... You... You're not him..." You murmured, lifting your head up to meet Vision's intriguing eyes.


"J.A.R.V.I.S." You admitted, your voice cracking. An expression of shock and realisation hit Vision's face.

"Everywhere I am in this tower I'm reminded of him. You remind me of him, you are him yet you're not. You're not the same and he's gone now and-" you sucked in a breath as an attempt to control your breathing.

You were very close with the former A.I. of the tower. He was your best friend and someone you knew you could talk to and rely on no matter what. You would often find yourself turning to him for advice rather than a real person. To you he was real, and his loss dealt a huge blow to everyone, but no one was burnt more than you.

"I... I apologise, I never knew I was causing you so much trouble." Vision said sadly, looking away.

"I... I was angry at you because I initially blamed you for this but... It wasn't your fault. I know that now, but being close to you still hurts. I can only hear him, and for a moment I think it's him only to realise it's just you." You confessed, tears streaming down your face with no sign of stopping.

"I can't do anything about that, it's out of my power." Vision whispered, "but... I believe the best way to fix this problem is to face it. You must embrace the future."


A smile stretched across the his face. "Why don't we start over? If you get to know me, perhaps you would see me for me, and not for J.A.R.V.I.S."

"A-Alright..." You stammered, thinking the idea wasn't too bad. It would hurt at first, but if you tried then slowly it'll hopefully work out.

"I'm [Y/N] Stark." You introduced, smiling slightly. Vision lowered his head and took your hand, lifting it and planting a kiss on top of it.

"Vision, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms Stark."

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Okay I struggled with this. I had this idea for a long time but never knew how to execute it. I also don't know Vision's personality.

Also, important question; who is your favourite character?

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