the woman who was gifted pt. 2 | avengers (steve rogers)

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Pairing: A bit of Steve x Reader

Relationship: Friendship

Word Count: 1,629

Type: ???

Warnings: None

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The Avengers were grateful indeed, for [Y/N] had made up her mind to join them in their efforts to help humanity. However, everyone was still intimidated by her. She had the power the manipulate reality itself, and that was frightening - though, to be fair, Wanda also technically had the power to do that.

[Y/N] was a generally kind soul once they got to know her though. She was passionate, selfless, considerate but also witty, intelligent and prepared to go to battle at any given moment. She was truly a magnificent being, and many of the Avengers would ask her about what the world was like before any of them were born. Having lived through many lifetimes, [Y/N] informed them of great empires and kingdoms that rose and fell right before her very eyes. She told them of the battles, the wars and conflicts and bloodshed, yet she also told them stories of undying love, livelong friendships and heartfelt rescues and sacrifices.

Yet [Y/N] never revealed much about her personal life. Finally, an avenger mustered the courage to ask her about it.

"[Y/N]? May I talk to you?"

The woman spun around, smiling at Steve. Her perplexing eyes sparkled with happiness and joy, but it also held a certain sadness to it. It was always something Steve noticed from the moment he met her, but that sadness seemed so small it was almost nonexistent.

"Of course Steve." she said, turning her gaze back towards the sky. They were on the roof of the tower, a place which [Y/N] seem to always be. The white raven from before had perched itself on the railing beside [Y/N].

Steve stood next to [Y/N] and together, they admired the city for a moment. Peace like this was rare nowadays, and both learned to cherish it.

Finally, Steve asked, "you never told us about how you got your powers."

[Y/N] sighed, as if expecting this question to come up sooner or later. She had been with the Avengers for a while now, enough that they had learned to trust her no matter how intimidated by her they were. She also came to trust them as well.

"It's a subject I tend to avoid." [Y/N] admitted, "do you believe me if I say that my powers were a gift?"

"A gift?"

[Y/N] nodded, "a gift. You see, my mother was a very beautiful woman, the fairest in all the lands. She had attracted many men, and even gods. A god adored her so dearly, that he had placed a spell on her, a spell that would make her firstborn child have exceptional powers, in hopes of her choosing to be his lover. My mother chose a mortal man, however, but the god cannot undo what he had done. Thus, I was born, and with me came powers no mortal should be able to possess."

"That's... strangely obsessive." Steve muttered, causing [Y/N] to chuckle.

"Indeed. Nonetheless, my mother and father raised me as well as they could. In time I learned to control my powers and even see how far I could use my powers. I was happy, and I was free of any responsibility." [Y/N] had a ghostly smile on her face. "However, on my eighteenth birthday, the same god who gave me my powers came. He was resentful, for my mother chose a mortal over him, so as punishment, he placed a curse on me, so I would never age another day."

"Immortality?" Steve exclaimed, his eyes widening. He knew [Y/N] had lived for a very long time, but he never knew she was immortal.

He could see clearly now, just how sad her eyes were. She had lived all these years, watching people she had come to care about live and die as she continue to remain the same. Ultimately, everyone left her. She was alone.

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