'for me' | loki laufeyson

12.7K 467 65

Pairing: Loki x reader

Relationship: Romantic

Word Count: 1,286

Type: Unsure...

Warnings: None

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[Y/N] [L/N] strode across the battlefield, her elegant [F/C] gown flowing behind her like a river. She eyed the destruction around her; the flying aliens shooting everything in sight, the helpless Midgardians attempting to save their own, the pile of bodies laying silently on the streets while their loved ones beg for them to open their eyes again, to live again. The very sight disgusted her and broke her heart.

She kept her head held high as she approached the group of heroes defending the city. They were dressed in a strange fashion, but she instantly recognised her good friend, Thor.

They took no notice of her presence at first, and she didn't do anything about it. She kept observing them, until the man with the bow and arrows caught her gaze. His eyes widened and he pointed her location to his friends, and soon all their eyes were on her.

"Lady [Y/N]?" Thor questioned, frowning in concern, "my lady, you should not be here. This is too dangerous for someone like you."

She walked towards the group and curtsied before speaking, "I am well aware of the dangers I am under when I arrived, but you and I both know very well that I can influence Prince Loki enough to get him to call an end to this meaningless battle."

"Wait, what is she talking about?" the flying red and gold suit asked. [Y/N] knew for a fact that a man was wearing the armour.

"Lady [Y/N]... is my brother's wife." Thor said hesitantly, eyeing his new teammates.

"Wife? Who would want to marry him?" the red-haired woman questioned no one in particular. [Y/N] wasn't offended by this much to Thor's relief. Although he had stated that it was dangerous for her to be in a battlefield, he knew what [Y/N] was capable of. She was powerful, in both the art of magic and physical combat.

"Doesn't matter, she may be able to convince him." the very patriotically dressed man said firmly. He turned to [Y/N], his eyes hopeful. "Can you?"

"I can certainly try, but even I could tell that he's unpredictable in his current state." she confessed in a disappointed voice, "let me see him."

"He's just around the corner." the suited man informed. [Y/N] nodded and headed towards her husband.

She had known Loki since she was a child, and she grew up with him. It was as if their hearts were meant for each other, for they were a perfect match. They did everything together, and as soon as she was of age Loki instantly requested her hand in marriage, and of course she would accept gratefully. He was so different back then, so kind, so gentle, so caring. Then things changed. After the death of their only child during a battle, he grew distant and bitter. He swore he'd make himself king and their family would never have to fight another battle, and he'd keep all the people he loved safe. This hunger for power clouded his judgement and tainted his soul, spiraling him down into madness.

She tried to help him. She cared and nurtured him and showered him with affections. They even tried to start a family together again, but after many failed attempts Loki stopped trying, and that was when everything went downhill.

Now, seeing what her sweet Loki had turned into, [Y/N] couldn't help the tears building up in her [E/C] eyes. She bravely approached him, keeping her eyes on him as he blindly destroyed the city and the people living in it.

"Loki." she called out, drawing the god's attention towards her. The madness and fury inside his emerald orbs instantly melted and softened into adoration and love. It made her heart flutter; even after all this, after everything that happened he still loves and cares about her.

"[Y/N], my love, what are you doing here? Do you understand how dangerous this is?" Loki inquired, genuinely worried about her wellbeing.

"Loki... what are you doing?" she asked. Loki frowned, confused by her words.

"What are you talking about? I'm creating a kingdom for myself, a realm where I could reign as King," he stated passionately, "and you, my Queen... together, we'll keep our loved ones safe."

"This... this isn't what I wanted." [Y/N] murmured, her voice breaking, like her heart, "you're... you're hurting these people, these innocent Midgardians. They did nothing wrong Loki, how could you take their home away from them?"

"I'm freeing them! I'm freeing them of the lies their rulers feed them. I'll create a world where everyone is free." Loki responded, grinning proudly.

"No... that isn't freedom Loki, it's just another form of slavery." [Y/N] cried, "look around you, look at what you're doing! They don't deserve this, none of this!"

"You pity them [Y/N]?" he seethed, his voice laced with venom, "you feel sorry for these... useless creatures?!"

"They are not so different from us Loki!" she shouted, tears escaping her eyes and streaming down her face, "they have feelings, a life, with friends, and lovers and... and family. You're killing fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives... Loki, you're creating so much misery and suffering in this world."

Loki suddenly grew angry and shot a blast in a random direction. "Do not try to stop me [Y/N]."

"Think... think of the pain we went through when we lost our dear son. They are going to go through the same pain, and you're the cause of it. Don't let them suffer like we did, they don't deserve it. Let them go." she pleaded, taking a step closer to Loki.

"You think I don't remember?! I remember clearly, and that's why I'm doing this! Odin clearly doesn't care about any of our children, he sends them to battle to die!" Out of rage, Loki used an invisible force and pushed [Y/N], making her to land on her back with a groan. His face morphed into one of horror and disbelief. He couldn't believe he could hurt his wife.

[Y/N] stood up again and eyed Loki sadly. She knew he sometimes had no control over his abilities, she didn't blame him. She knew he never meant to hurt her.

"Loki... my dear Loki, this isn't you, you're better than this. You are a kind person with a gentle heart. You are not this monster you pretend to be." she said sincerely, her voice soft and sweet, "you are still hurt, and that hurt will never fade away. Everyday I wake up and remember the tragedy that had befallen upon us... but our son wouldn't want us to be like this. We must move on, and find happiness again." She reached him and cupped his face, smiling, "I am not telling you to forget our son, but I'm not going to allow you to ruin your life because of it. People die, it's the struggle of life, even for us Asgardians. We just have to accept the fact that he's never coming back. We have to continue to walk forward, not dwell in the past."

"It's difficult." Loki murmured, his voice weak and cracked, his walls finally breaking down. [Y/N] embraced him tightly and stroked his raven hair.

"I know it is, but you don't have to do it alone. You have me. I will never abandon you my love, I will never leave you, so please, stop this meaningless battle and return home, with me, where we can be together again." she whispered into his ear.

Loki sighed contently, resting his head on her shoulders and breathing in her familiar scent.

"I'm sorry." he murmured in a fragile voice, "I'm sorry, my love."

"You're forgiven." she said softly, "now, let's go home."

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