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*please comment more, guys 🌹btw thanks for the amount of comment last chapter. Very appreciated🌹*

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Juliette: How'd the date go? 🙄

Iman shook her head as she thought of something to type. She was way too emotional and way too tired to discuss this.

Iman: I'll talk to you about it tomorrow, thanks for asking. Just really tired right now..

Juliette: whenever you're ready. 😘

Juliette already had a feeling things didn't go too well tonight between the king and queen.


Iman didn't really feel like rolling out of bed this morning but she knew she had to. She had the picture thing with Toni today and had to still write the book she was about to publish.

Iman did her morning routine and found something to wear.

She then heard her phone buzz. Once she slipped on her shoes, she started scrolling through her phone for the notification. She had a voicemail from.....Justin.

Occasionally she'd just not listen to them, or she'd delete them without any thought. His voicemails consisted of Justin apologizing repeatedly, and Iman didn't want to hear that. But, considering what happened last night, she thought the least she could do was listen to this one.

She pressed his contact and then the play button.

Iman was greeted with his raspy voice. It was evident he didn't sleep last night.

"I spent literally the whole night wondering how you could be in love with me for over three years and just say one night that you don't love me. I thought about how I would be like without you and I can surely say that even a few years from now, I'd never be able to get over you." Justin said and then there was a long pause.

"I don't think I ever will be..You were and will always be my first love. You were also the first woman to ever break my heart.

You broke it so bad. It felt as if you reached into my chest and ripped it out. That's how much pain I'm in." He said.

Iman was lost in thought. She wasn't trying to hurt him, but she did.

"Sometimes when I see you, I'm filled with anger, sadness, ..I feel anger because you don't give me any acknowledgment. You pretend you don't even know me, Iman. I don't understand how you can destroy me without even seeming to care. Finally I'm sad. Sad at the fact I'm coming to terms that you will never truly return to me and never love me like you did. No matter what happens in the future, I just want you to know, you'll always be dear to me, even if you don't care."

There was another long pause.

"I love you.."


"Well...did the date go well?" Autumn asked Jaxon over the phone.

"Did it go well? I assume not. My brother just walked passed me when I asked him about it, last night. He hasn't even came out of his bedroom. He's not responding to anyone. I think he's dead.."


"What? Okay I'll talk to him later and try to get him to open up. He obviously doesn't want to be bothered at the moment."

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