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No one

"He's replying back!" Juliet whisper-yelled as she saw the dots.

Maria shook her head. "Iman is going to murder you."

"Why, what's going on?" Iman chuckled as she snd in and sat the refilled glasses on the table.

Juliet froze and Iman looked at what was inside juliets hands snd when she saw her phone, her eyes widened.

Juliet immediately took off running.

"Juliet I swear if you said anything..." Iman said chasing after her as Juliet laughed and end up the stairs. "Juliet!" Iman yelled going up as well.

"Juliet I promise you-"
"Iman I'm helping you!" Juliet said running past the second living room to a store are hallway.

"Helping me by how?! Juliet give my phone back to me." Iman said sternly.

"Now, Juliet!" Iman said, as she was beginning to get tired.

Juliet ran into a closet when Iman wasn't insight.

She slid down onto the floor and read Justins reply.

🌹Justinian🌹: o.o are you sure? I didn't know you missed me that much baby. 😉

Juliet held in her laughs.

Iman: Justin, I'm so horny for you 😘😫

🌹Justinian🌹: shit, I'm horny for you too. We don't have to wait until Saturday to get busy. 😏 I miss your lips baby

She covered her mouth, Juliet was literally shaking, about to explode in giggles.

Iman: oh you do? Well.....

🌹Justinian🌹: o:

Juliet smirked.

Iman: I want to lick up and down your shaft, stop and kiss at your tip, swirling my tongue around it afterwards, and make you feel loved. 😘

It took a few minutes for Justin to reply and Juliet new exactly why.

🌹Justinian🌹: um, should I come over, Iman?

Juliet bursted in laughter. She began to feel guilty and decided to tell him that he wasnt really texting Iman.

Iman: ha Justin, this is Iman's friend Juliet. She didn't text the dirty stuff, I did. 😗

🌹Justinian🌹: damn, really?

Iman: yeah, sorry 😆bye bye now, Iman's going to kill me.

"Juliet, please give me my phone!" She heard from outside the door.

"As you wish," Juliet chuckled opening the door and tossing Iman her phone. Iman caught it and glared at her.

She went through her messages and her mouth gaped open. "Juliet..." She said lowly and gave her an icy glare that could kill.

"Juliet what the actually hell?!" Iman asked charging at her. "I was doing you a fav-" before Juliet could finish, Iman tackled her.

Without A Queen (POF Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now