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*made this chapter superrrr long, don't disappoint :) *

No one

"I am so...distraught right now." Iman said to herself wiping her tears as she walked down the dimmed hallway. She didn't know where she was going, she just needed to be away from Justin.

To say her heart was broken, was an understatement. Iman felt so torn and upset and she was engulfed with heart break.  "What did I do to deserve this?"

"Iman is that you?" Someone asked turning around the corner. Jaxon heard sobs and Iman's faint voice as he was heading to his bedroom.

He furrowed his eyebrows and when he saw her familiar figure,his eyes soften. What could've happened?

Where's Justin?  He asked again.

Iman continued to walk past Jaxon, just wanting to be alone. It was so hard for her to open her mouth and talk, especially when her throat was feeling tight.

"Hey..." Jaxon said softly, grabbing her arm. He had never seen Iman like this ever.

She shook her head and yanked her arm back. "I w-want to be alone."

"Are you sure? What happened?" He asked confused, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Stop, stop! I want to be alone right now, please." She said to him. Jaxon bit his lip and stepped back, letting her go.

I really hope Justin didn't do anything to cause this. He said in his head knowing that his brother did.


It was the middle of the night and Iman was still crying into her pillow. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't get the thought of Justin cheating on her, out of her head.

She just couldn't sleep.

But how could she? She had just found out that the love of her life went behind her back and had sexual relations with someone else.

Iman couldn't control her emotions. Neither could she decipher them and make sense of how she was feeling. The light from the lamp, reflected on the dark wall, and Iman turned over on her side, staring at it.
She couldn't believe what she had found out not too long ago.

"Why would he do that to me?" She asked herself.

She felt the familiar feeling of her eyes burning again, and the tears welling in her eyes.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and he lied to to me. I had so much patience, and i trusted him. Oh my God...

Just when he had finally earned back her trust, it was whisked away again.

"I'm so done with all this..." She said choking back a sob.

"I deserve so much better." She sniffed, reaching to the tissue box on the nightstand and grabbed another tissue.

I just knew he was lying to me. I knew just by the look in his eyes that he was. But I took his word for it, and I believed him.

Then he has the nerve to tell me that he slept with her during the divorce? Iman shook her head knowing that that was a lie too. He looked too guilty, and she's been with him long enough to tell whether he was lying or not.

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